We'll meet in the middle: Skeletor from Willow?
We'll meet in the middle: Skeletor from Willow?
Jokes on you...I pre-yawned before watching.
I saw the pic for this thread and thought it was about Willow.
At one point, I had more shit than this guy but last year I sold it all (well, most) to invest in making a graphic novel. I had every system (yes, every notable variation too) including handhelds, but I also had a sealed SegaGaGa Limited Edition and another SGGG:LE opened and every crazy ass Japanese and US…
Anyone up for some Strawberry CheeseQUAKE!? Ehhh? EHhhhhhhh????
How much you wanna bet this will be a Wii U launch exclusive in November? ...and that's why they're being all hush about it's Wii U release date because Nintendo already announced it was a launch title and they won't give out the launch date until E3.
The old hand coming out of the mouth trick. Been around since the dawn of the internet.
I still think there needs to be a separate kickstarter site for big name developers to pawn off their sub-par ideas that their publishers won't pay to produce. That's all I see when I see some Eisner Award winner or Take-Two dev posting on Kickstarter...and I think it's really shitty of them to steal the spotlight…
Wait...did he just big-text side-quote himself in his own article?
My fave too. I'd buy it.
I thought the same thing sort of...the character models look boring, but the environments look good, although on the other hand, the game itself looked rather lifeless. I was expecting to see something more to the tune of The Neverhood.
In all fairness, it looked to me like Letterman was being a dick and didn't get the fact that he was joking. Mind you, it wasn't particularly hilarious, but Letterman wasn't humoring him or having any of it...
Yeah, that's pretty much all they're accomplishing, because as everyone knows, when you download a movie they tend to not include the previews or warnings... so their target audience is apparently everyone who buys physical discs.
Having lived in eastern SC for 2 years, I wouldn't be upset if the whole eastern side of the state was wiped off the map. What a horrible place. It's baffling how different the western side is.
Looks like it could be a dead or dying Deepstaria enigmatica, because the telltale skin/vein patterns. Doubtful that it's a placenta. PLacentas are more bulbus and don't have defined vein patterns.
I'm not one for conspiracy stuff, but this just reeks of a scam for the TSA justifying the molesting of children...
I didn't realize the PC was a console...
I've had the SFC version forever, and lived in Japan for 6 years and saw it on the shelves many time when visiting game stores, but not until today did I ever notice it's actually titled Super Mario Bros. 4 !!
Indulge us, Mr. Hand. If you were Murdoch... Yes?