More than likely, yes.
More than likely, yes.
Design my ass...this better come to the US.
I could see this being the case in a way. I mean, it's so hard to keep shit under wraps these days without every major secret being spoiled about a new film. I can't say I'd be shocked to find out this was all just a diversion.
If you understand Japanese and have $300+ to blow, here:
The 70's movie was good entertainment and well-crafted, even though it didn't follow the book as well. It was a worthwhile tradeoff compared to the creepy molester vibe given by the Depp Wonka, and the un-fun, dreary musical numbers.
Because potato ratio clapping rum raisin.
I think people are just mistaking sucking with flopping. Simply a misuse of termminology, rather than suggesting financial failure.
You mean Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory? That was all sorts of good. That Charlie garbage was not.
I agree. It's not a terrible film, but the beginning and end were cornball as hell.
Did I miss the part where Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was good?
I heard wombats eat three square meals a day.
I don't know about that. I'm a huge Metroid fan, and I gotta say that figure looks amazing. And it does make her look like a badass. Eye of the beholder.
Well, there go all my plans of fishing waist-deep in pirhana-infested waters with my balls hanging out in Papua.
I hate gift cards as much as the next guy, because in reality they ARE a total crock...but you better believe that I spend the living hell out of any gift cards I'm given. I don't care of they're Gap cards - I'll find something to spend it on, then garage sale the junk or donate it to Goodwill if I have to.
Drive Angry truly is a brilliant shitpile, and personifies many Cageisms in it's attempt to be a badass movie.
Yeah, but 'disappointing because it didn't live up to hopes' is hardly the equivalent a complete bastard. Look at the company the film was slapped into on that list...and really...come on...
Ignoring the fact that Green Lantern was hardly the atrocity everyone makes it out to be, this list lost all hope when Drive Angry made it into the "best" category.
That picture makes me want to have sex with my hand.
Strangely enough, about half of Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls felt pretty Indiana Jones-ish. The other half was Ewoks and Jar-Jar though. If someone cut out most of that retarded bullshit in a fanedit, it might be worth watching.