8. Immortality:
8. Immortality:
Clearly if souless corporations are people, then why not robots as well?
Hopefully they're handled as beautifully as they were in Johnny Mnemonic.
Yes, I remember it being excellent in every way.
If nobody comes down here and buys this calendar in the next hour, I'm gonna club this baby seal. That's right! I'm gonna club this seal to make a better deal! You know I'll do it, too, cause I'm crrrrrrazy!!
Take this man to the nearest prison camp for a treasonous lack of mourning.
I'm not feeling it...MOURN HARDER!!
I do have to agree with this statement. He's EXCELLENT at ACTING like a normal person in movies. Bravo on that.
I would add in something by Ultra Sheriff if I was making such a list. They're pretty unknown, but pretty futuristic, in a sci-fi alien-robots-conquering-the-galaxy kind of way.
He was funny IN Zombieland, but Zombieland wasn't funny because OF Murray. I think some people give the guy too much credit because he's considered a "legend".
Not to crap on the guy, but I don't understand why everyone puts Murray on this pedestal of being some kind of comedic and movie genius. They guys seems like kind of a dick, actually...especially with this GB3 fiasco all hinging on him.
Could just be the way the pics were taken, but they definitely seem like they look more aware in the during phase. I wonder if I looked all wide-eyed while I was out there in the desert.
Did anyone else look at that Dredd picture and think "why the hell does that gun have two faucets for barrels?"...or was that just me?
What about the wonderful trainwreck, Super Mario Bros.? Didn't everything imginable go wrong in the beginning, middle, and end of production of SMB?
Am I making this up in my head, or didn't Nic Cage show up on Jay Leno one night in the late 90's discussing that he was going to be in the next Superman?
I thought it was a Wallace & Grommit thing...go figure.
Are all of the pencils shown above supposed to be the same color?
Pffft. I'll wait until they make my RAM in HD.
Only half an entertaining as the Brazilian (?) ET porno.