
I'd show this to the people I know who think all DS games come from the internet as a download which you have to drag onto a microSD-card, but I don't think it'd make them change their evil ways and start buying their games.

@scudly: I don't have sound on this computer, but I kept imagining her neighing like a horse, just like I do when I see Anky van Grunsven ( [en.wikipedia.org] ).

@Altima NEO: ahh okely dokely. I didn't even notice that until I just watched it again.

@Altima NEO: I believe he's using the black controller for the 360. He does seem to be playing with the D-pad instead of the left analog stick though...

@Frazzleberry: they're better at it than most guys, and on top of that, they can play videogames too! :)

@Sean Robertson: for most software there are cheaper or free alternatives out there that are perfectly suitable for home use. People just love name-dropping, and expensive software (and hardware for that matter) falls in the same category.

@Corgyll: unless my memory fails me yet again, I do believe the 360 was designed both soft- and hardware-wise with several of its features (always available guide, cross-game chat, custom music in games) in mind while the PS3 had some of those features added later on.

@MRMATT: I don't know the big story, heck, I'd be lying if I said I remembered anything from the stories of Halo 1, 2, 3 and ODST, but I've yet to find another game that has a full campaign co-op that's as much fun as the Halo games (3 and ODST at least).

@Komrade Kayce: that's great to know. Now once I get the game (I'm waiting for my co-op buddy to get back online and don't want to spoil the story/campaign for myself) I'll have to remember to tell him to install it too so neither of us will have to wait too long :)

Although I'd love to get the legendary edition, I'm getting the regular version. Maybe in a few months I'll try to find the legendary edition somewhere on sale like I did with Assassin's Creed 2's Black Edition, but right now I don't have the funds to buy it and, to be quite honest, neither do I have room for it.

@Drummertist v.2: the Alien storyline could be prequeled if they ignore the other movies' characters as they, along with the rest of humanity, were all oblivious to the danger that lay ahead. Or they could do the right thing and pretend Resurrection was never made and do a good sequel to Alien 3.

Sorry, I can't think of anything for the actual assignment so I spent a little time on this instead. It's kind of related though, right, since it's an ad?

@Vintage: I know, but not only do I not enjoy gaming on PC, I also prefer to play co-op games with actual friends, none of whom game on PC (it's all 360, with one or two also on PS3).

Oh man. I really want this but I don't like gaming on my PC.

I stick to Filemail.com for sharing. Easy to use, free, up to 2GB at a time, # of downloads can be adjusted (from 1 to 10) and you can get confirmation emails of each download. Though to get password protection and extended download time you need to pay.

@DJ_Skrull: I have one similar to this one from Brando, and they can be a PITA to put into or pull out of USB ports if A) the area around the port isn't copletely clear B) the port hasn't been used much and seems tight (no better way to put it) or C) you have fat fingers and/or either your nails are too long or too

@kitsuneconundrum: what about the guys simply appearing on the rooftops at 1:29? They will run out of indistructable (clay?) houses but also get beamed in by Scotty...

@Lazthelost: I don't think I've found even a single skull in Halo Wars, though I'm not sure if they even show up playing on easy.... Maybe I'll see if I can find a co-op buddy to play the campaign with some time soon. Now I want to get those skulls.

Wow, won't the Smurfs be PO-ed about this! They won't be able to tell the Smurfbox 3-smurfty to Smurf the movie....