
@PixelProphet: maybe they put a big button on the thing saying "DO NOT PUSH THIS BUTTON!"... that tends to get humans to push the button, maybe it'll work for aliens too?

@Stephen Chu: I was thinking the exact same thing. Who knows. Maybe we'll get a disc sent back with insults after they (insert ominous music) listened to us insult their mothers.

@KiNGMONiR: Using a site like safepasswd.com I can easily create "safe" passwords and FF will remember them along with my usernames. I then use the Password Exporter addon to back-up all usernames and passwords, and email the back-up to my Gmail account and store it on a USB drive.

@SatiDamphyr: while I agree with OCEntertainment's original post, without knowing the exact question(s) asked and the context of the answers, you are absolutely right that the answers could also be interpreted differently.

I wonder how much these things will cost. In the meantime I'll just ask for the hard drives of our printers when the contracts end.

@Denver: Read article? Too many words. Long sentences. Very tiring. Must comment anyway.

@marmin: try the table to the right of the door. There's a note there that'll set things in motion. Unfortunately, once she exits the house I'm stuck on a black screen...

@shemoanscazrex3: Everyone I've had try it loved it, including my brother's girlfriend who doesn't even like coffee.

I never liked cold coffee, especially the pre-made stuff they sell in plastic "cups" here in the Netherlands. Instead I make what I call coffee-shakes.

@theearin: if you live in Europe, but outside the UK, you'll have to buy the Kindle from the States. That means customs/import duties and whatnot will be added (you're getting purchased goods from a non-EU country), and thus it's not really as great a deal as it might seem until the dollar loses more strength

@jbigboote: on the Dead Rising game page on the marketplace on Xbox.com? At least, I think those are the videos mentioned in this article...

@Snafu77: or you could use the outdoor version indoors and not worry about lights at all... assuming the IR in the outdoors version works well enough.

@TangoTL: couldn't find anything about operating temperatures for the Droid X, but the manual (found on the motorola site) says to keep the battery, while charging, between 32 and 115 F (0 - 45 C).

@Alex McMillan: That depends on what you call "the full experience". Only play alone and £75 will do.

@ElephantFace: unless I'm mistaken, I hunted for ducks right outside thieves landing. If you're headed towards armadillo there's a creek on the right of the road.

@beanspeppin: I found cougars were easiest to find on the hills behind Bonnie's farm, up over the railroad tracks. There are often boar there too, and wolves... always those darned wolves...

@IsLaNd3r - and the chipmunks: that's what I've been using at home, and it works great. However, once Tab Candy becomes part of the browser, Foxtab won't be as much use anymore unless a lot of the features in the video won't be added until a version or two down the line.

@kapanak: you don't own the phone until the contract ends. Until then, you're leasing the phone. Unless you pay for the thing up front, of course, but in most countries that's not possible with the iPhone (and a lot of other phones for that matter).

@kevin.j.reardon: you're right. I had never even heard of Holga before reading this article, so I can't possibly get "it".

@8oardR1der: but there's a difference between public figures and "common folk" :)