
I would like, even though I'm not a huge South Park fan anymore, is *if* they do kill Carmine, the action stops and someone yells "Oh my god, they killed Carmine!" followed by a "You bastards!".

@pj_rage: Pictures of people shouldn't be sold or used commercially without their written consent. Otherwise you are doing something wrong (I won't say illegal as I'm no lawyer), hence the requirement for model releases when selling pictures on sites like istockphoto.

So it has manual focus, but no way of checking if you're shooting in-focus? That's great, what genius came up with that?

@kjf: I bet it's the mis-use of Comic Sans that must be getting on most people's nerves.

@Vicboy: you could see them/him manipulating a sticky substance (and more) directly inside the 3D software (3DS MAX I think) so it might not be as CPU intensive as it looks.

@swx2: yeah I kinda missed that part, as Sansa explained below... my bad :)

@sansa: haha well I guess we are almost on the same side then 'cause I do like hardcovers for the few books I really enjoy and want to "show off" in a weird kind of way as they're nothing special...

@Toby: yeah for anyone other than the players it would be a pain in the rear.... they can take sides and attempt to distract the players though.

@Rinaldus: apparently 3D on PS3 goes up to 720p, so if I'm understanding the ideas correctly, it should be able to output two separate 720p views of the same game at the same time. Not very different from current games, just no upscaling to take advantage of 1080p TVs.

@HowardC: since there would be no 3D involved with this (it creates 2 "regular" versions of the same game, with each player getting their own view) there shouldn't be any headaches. Unless there's some sort of flickering going on...

@Diesel: I've only heard about this movie from one of my friends in the US who went to see it, and he didn't like it at all.

@elmorepow: ohhh I didn't catch that bit of info... the skull seemed wrong somehow, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Now I know what it is: I haven't seen Predators yet.

@elmorepow: sure, none of the movies featuring the Predator are, by today's standards, amazing movies. But at least the originals are, when viewed as products of their time, both great, just as the original Robocop's a great movie despite the bad acting.

@Big-Tool: I did buy the Quadrilogy after I already owned the original regular DVD box set with the 4 movies, but I've yet to watch any of the extras.

According to Andre Vrignaud, someone working at Microsoft with apparent insight into Xbox 360 and Xbox Live, Molyneux said Milo will end up living in the cloud, getting smarter as more people "play with him" (there's no way of saying that without it sounding wrong).

Personally I wouldn't mind a new 360 in a year or two, if it'd be (almost) free of hardware problems. As long as they don't rush things I will have faith in Microsoft.

Would it be possible to do more polls, perhaps even with users sending in poll questions (via comments or some method that lets you easily find the most-requested questions)?

@Brian Crecente: maybe you could also do follow-up reviews when other authors have also finished the game, giving their opinions? They could be short, but as they wouldn't be played "on the job" they might give different insights, including patched bugs.

@windupbird81: why use spoons if you can blend it and suck it through a straw?