
@mdrevel: first time I tried to get this achievement, the train wouldn't leave Armadillo for ages (I waited well over 12 in-game hours). The way I eventually got it was luck: while traveling I saw the train coming my way just as I got "ambushed" by the woman and 3 or 4 crooks with a wagon.

@Daeda88: "Big chance she'll be prime minister of the Netherlands in a few months though.."

@diverguy: While I won't go into whether or not this is all true (I honestly don't know), you did say what I was thinking too.

A long time ago I heard something on an episode of QI that I remembered after reading this post. There's a lot of precious metals in cell phones.

@MrGOH: it's not the most entertaining movie I've looked at, but I do appreciate the work put in the mod and the visuals do look very good.

@0xC001D00D: I didn't say I don't appreciate the mod. All I meant to say was I don't understand the appeal of that particular building as it doesn't look cool to me in any way. Sorry if you don't agree, but that's what's so great about tastes.

@idandfei: I most likely do and because of that I will now walk off with my head hanging in shame.

@Kwinten: you need to put some Windows in your computer so it can find images.

I've never been to any Disney theme parks nor am I an American, which seem to be two things necessary to appreciate stuff like this. To me it just looks like a dull collection of various unrelated items in what look like a mouldy-smelling set of dank rooms. Perhaps that impression is can be attributed to the most

Maybe I'm crazy, but lately I haven't been able to get excited about any games.

You're lucky your PC came back to life, so to speak. When Vista SP2 first came out it appeared to have broken something (Vista wouldn't boot anymore, saying my multi-core processor wasn't supported) but a BIOS update fixed that. No problems since then until a few weeks ago when something went so wrong I'll now have to

@shosh: as it's a bit difficult to get behind my 360 I'll pull the cable out of the router. Should have the same effect as it seems to be about the XBL connection getting lost.

Maybe Apple could start selling apartments too. They can turn every room into a padded cell and call them iPads... or the iAppartment.

@DoktorFunkenstein: it's quite possible it's just faulty hardware, but who knows? Almost everything I read/see/hear online is taken with a grain of salt as there's usually no way of verifying what's been said/shown.

I know I was thinking of Saturday Night Fever, but Grease will do too :)

@HackMod: how else can it detect when you push the guide-button on your controller (to turn it on)? It's no different with the PS3 and, I assume, the Wii.

@HokiPoki: I think it's more like Fable 2's pub games. You can pay for it if you want, then you get extras in the actual game. If the price is right, I'll probably get it.

@Mike Haddaway: on PSN the free stuff will become unusable until you re-subscribe. On XBL you don't get any free content, so that is something of a perk of PSN+.

@conman577: dude, Sony's Singstar "games" make most people look *and* sound like retards but nobody cares because, as it turns out, they're fun "games".

@zackek: like every good game trailer, they're indeed computer generated images... As for any of it being in-engine? Probably not, but Ubi's been known to make their (Assassin's Creed) trailers look better than the final product.