
Holland partakes in the World Cup? Which of the two provinces of the Netherlands exactly?

@mrgibblechip: maybe Microsoft didn't want all those pre-Natal Xbox 360 and post-Natal Xbox 360 jokes that would inevitably follow accepting name which most people in the world would mispronounce?

@rorkimaru: I don't recall hearing of anyone being charged for demos on Xbox Live. Unless you call Microsoft's approach of "wait a week or get a Gold subscription" paying for demos.

@yyr: thanks, that's what I thought :)

"Are There Any Hidden Costs?

@Manly McBeeferton: oh so that's why I couldn't place this son; after the first time coming into Mexico (by "raft") I got onto the horse and immediately went the first safe house to save the game.

Where would we be if it weren't for random folks telling us we're wrong 'cause their income depends on it?

@perfectdarkness26: I buy my points 4200 at a time from e-shops that send the code via email. This costs me between €35 and €40 instead of the SRP of €49,99. That's a saving of 20% or more, making it stupid to buy those exact same points from Microsoft.

@drtyfrnk: I'm not getting that message. Only ones telling me to check out their site and not to play alone tonight. But I got my code now :)

@abbe: wow, thanks for that. I got the code in my email and it worked :) Thank goodness Europe is still counted as one region by some companies :)

@Kang81: a buddy of mine handed me a code, but it was already used, so I signed up for gamespot and then got the happy message I wasn't getting a code 'cause I'm neither in the US nor the UK.

I personally use Genie Backup Manager Pro 8.0, which works great for my purpose (mirror backups of several folders on multiple drives onto eSATA drives). I therefore won't switch to this Paragon software, but I did download and register just in case.

@ImmaLion: wouldn't that be kinda boring? The only shooting you see these guys do is cover fire while boarding. The rest is just shouting for people to get out in the open and surrender...

The weather's finally good, so I invited my nephew and niece (6 & 7 years old) over to "help" wash my car tomorrow. It's in desperate need of some cleaning... at least I think that's what it means when green stuff starts growing on the roof :)

@Diesel: they're supposed to show your veteran status number, but currently only show you have veteran status.

For movies there can be no doubt: subtitles. When it comes to games, though, things get a bit more complex:

@Sloopydrew: Maybe Ubi forgot to test their game while connected to Live? It's stupid and shouldn't happen at all, but it kinda makes sense...