
Who really refers to a "common" 3D game as a 3D game? We differentiate betweeen 2D games and "regular" games by labeling the minority (2D games).

@Grahamunculus the Corpse Golem: With a little luck we'll end up with even lower prices for netbooks while their manufacturers come up with new plans, now that netbook demands are dropping thanks to tablets getting released.

I bet similar images have been done already, but I made it anyway :)

@Auouywonz: I feel almost the same about wanting an iPad, except I don't like the iPad for some reason. Personally, I'm leaning more to the Windows-based alternatives that are coming out this summer, as I can then keep using the same programs I now have on my PC. And since I don't use my computer for anything other

@Aquatrez: Well, something can be said for reading over gaming or watching TV, as it increases vocabularies (much needed in this day and age where "there" and "their", or "since" and "sense" have become interchangeable for large groups, for example) and tends to stimulate imagination more than other forms of

According to Wikipedia (which is all-knowing and never wrong *cough cough*) "seven to ten percent of the adult population is left-handed".

@UnholierThanThou: I did notice something strange, but until you pointed it out I didn't know what it was.

@ShaughnTr0n: you can get free tokens, unless I misunderstood, by having people visit your arcade game room thing, and whenever they play any of your cabinets...

@PapaBear434: it's a bit top-heavy for actual writing due the fact it's completely made out of metal, but it's oh-so-cool to have on display. Everyone wants to know what the heck that thing is when they see it.

Try google, they can find anything... Or ask your PS3, it only does everything :D

@Luke Plunkett: how would they fit the current HDD onto a slimmer model though? Somewhere on the top (if it's laying horizontally) could work but unless it's made to be flush with the shell it'll look stupid, like a console-mohawk...

@Evdor: the braiding will be part of the movie-game on Wii, DS, PS3 and Xbox360 (Move/Natal required for Braiding mini-game on PS3/360). Unfortunately PC users will have to miss out on the Braiding game as they lack a stylus and motion controls... awww

@Obieousmaximus: it's just a ball on a bunch of small wheels that can tell which way you're moving. There's no electricity involved in the rotations.

@oogabubchub: I loved the other Splinter Cell games, being able to take my time rather than being rushed by a clock counting down or whatnot. The game sounds great, and I've had the special edition on pre-order for quite a while now, but I'm still unsure about Mark & Execute. Will it be forced on us, or will we have

@DarkStarSpace: actually, from time to time I do see ads in Kotaku's RSS feed. I don't mind them, as long as they're not flashing, moving or in any other way distracting.

Shouldn't that be "new map help is Oscar-Tango-Whiskey"?

@metallicorphan: I haven't seen that one yet, but I have the transfer kit from when I upgraded my 20GB to the 60GB HDD, and I'm keeping it in case I ever get a bigger drive too.

@AnnexOne: plus, people were found to have been ordering multiple transfer kits just to sell them online. Microsoft figured they shouldn't be paying those folks to make money. I don't blame them at all. They should, however, include either a voucher or a cable with every HDD sold separately.