
@medicmechanic: I don't know man. I really enjoyed the multiplayer of Double Agent, even with most people not playing as a team.


@uglyteradon: aren't trophies stored online if you're connected when you unlock them, like achievements are on Xbox Live?

Working out? Like taking your laptop into the back yard and doing your job there?

@Altima NEO: I don't think it's dumb. I don't sell all of my games, just the ones I know I won't play again, the ones I'm really done with.

All I ask is for a Java-based application that lets me sign into my Live account and do what I can do on [xbox.com] (see who's online, check & send messages and optionally add stuff to the download queue).

I got my brother's phone (Samsung M8800, 3.2" touchscreen with 8MP camera) last week and spent some time looking for games to play on it.

The majority of games that we get to play revolve around killing things, more often than not without giving us the motivation we'd need in real life to do what we so easily do in games.

@DexterMoon: Don't you mean "Call of the Bad Future Warfare's Combat Recon Soldiers Company"?

@billysan: I found the huge array of options (contrast ratios, connections, 100Hz/120Hz/200Hz, panel types, etc.) quite confusing and too much work to get everything on paper to compare them (if that's even possible).

@actn: neither. in the limited edition/collector's edition, there's a score (instrumental music, like the downloadable songs for BioShock 1), not the soundtrack.

@Rakkoon: oh never mind. I found the albums on itunes. The thing I couldn't find out was whether or not itunes is selling everything DRM-free or not.

"the music will be available via my favorite digital music delivery service come Tuesday"

Weekends are, for me, mostly multiplayer oriented. I spend most of my game time on weekends playing with friends, hopefully in co-op. That limits the options to ... MW2 Spec-Ops.

@Manly_McBeeferton: don't feel too bad. I only played it once with a class mate, and don't remember much of anything about it.

@Adhominem: I tried the demo, the first part after the tutorial twice, and I'm sticking with my original thoughts: it looks quite good, the mood's great, but the QTEs are annoying.

Sweet. This'll be a great opportunity to try this game during the weekend. If only Sony had an online marketplace like the Xbox one, then I could queue the download while I'm stuck at work...

@fourfour44: if current gen consoles weren't meant to be played on SD-TVs, they shouldn't support any connections other than HDMI.