
I completely finished Assassin's Creed II (achievement-wise, I'm not going to do all the assassinations, races, etc.) and the buddy I do the MW2 Spec-Ops with isn't around, so I'll probably get GTA4's The Ballad of Gay Tony and switch that up with some MW2 multiplayer, even though I've grown tired of it for some

@Lokno: not sure if it's been used before or not, but I'm more partial to Escher's Relativity, even though the characters have no faces...

@Dream2fear: it keeps "buffering" in Firefox, IE just crashes on that page for some reason, but opening in iTunes worked. Sounds mighty hollow though.

@garrystrang: try €29.99 in the Netherlands, which equals US$42.93 right now. That's over twice the price in the US, rendering the Games on Demand service just as useless as the Zune marketplace is without subtitles over here.

@Voyou_Charmant: cosplay is as foreign to me as the whole "furry" thing. To each their own, and at times there are nice things (and costumes) to look at, so I won't complain :)

@C_MaN15: When I did the beta (I gave up after having to download 2.6GB of "updates" after the 3rd time) on average 4 people in a team had their mics on, yet nobody spoke. That doesn't help teamwork if that's what's required. It might grow into clan-heaven though.

@HAZman27: maybe because Zipper Interactive is a Sony-owned studio? Does Sony ever do multi-platform on 1st party titles, 'cause I don't remember any (though I must admit I didn't care about Sony's 1st party titles before I got my PS3).

Moral of the story: haemophiliacs didn't make for good assassins as the only treatment they got after cutting off their finger was pressing their hand against a wall, cliff jumping and a bath.

I don't think something like that will work in the near future. Endwar had good voice recognition, but only through learning your pronunciation of set trigger-words. Maybe if all games go on blu-ray discs they can program enough words in there to be recognized, along with some logic program to work out sentences, but

@-MasterDex-: Here in the Netherlands we call it 2nd Christmas Day. That's two days of family visits and pretend-fun I'm always happy to avoid.

@(Zombie) Strom Thurmond: the game doesn't look bad considering the huge areas you're playing in, and it plays pretty well, but has several large flaws like no checkpoints in co-op and enemies that can "see" you when they can't possibly see you. The former isn't necessarily horrible, but the latter makes it all a

No offense Luke, but with a "collection" of over 650 DVDs (movies and a handful TV show series) I can honestly say I have turned on the audio commentary only twice. Both those times it was by accident and both times they were rather quickly turned off again.

One thing I can think of right now is to do some test cases on good (but not triple-A) titles: price half of them lower than average games of the same quality. Then have smarter folks check how the price difference affects sales and revenue, taking into account game reviews.

Maybe the question "How to market a sports 'star' who isn't parttaking in his sport anymore?" is also a relevant one? On his own website, Tiger writes that he "decided to take an indefinite break from professional golf."

@Marcel2097: That would depend on which country you live in. If you live in a country where a blender has a warning label saying it's not for internal use, you need to be told the EA forums are from/by EA ;)

@townesy4: I only know of Martha's Vineyard from the X-Files... I believe it's where Mulder's parents had a house.

@pinshot: it's not fun if you're trying to actually play the game.

The Wikipedia for street maps... Does that mean there will be non-existent roads everywhere, and roads that do exist won't be the right shape, width or direction?

I personally prefer slower, more team-oriented somewhat tactical shooters (like Rainbow Six Vegas' terrorist hunt) over the run & gun stuff, but once I got used to the play style and remotely familiar with the maps, I really started to enjoy the team deathmatch games of MW2.

Reading things like this, I sometimes feel bad having to show up for work every (week) day, being my own boss and all.