
@ToastyUterus: the next game will have you playing an ESP-er who can communicate with Ghost's ghost and occasionally he will take control of 'your' body (bullet time).

@Adhominem: The pace it, in general, a bit slower, as there's far less run & gun and the maps are a lot larger. There's lots going on though, and if you spawn in the right (or wrong) spot you could be right in the middle of a battle right away.

""We're riding a Brumak to clear the area faster," radios two-packs-a-day Marcus Felix to mission control"

@Terrorsaur - Five Six: MW2 is a really good game, both the campaign and the co-op 'spec ops' missions. People are better of buying the game now that it's new than buying it in 6 months when it's "old" yet still costs the same as it does now.

@Apu: yeah, those actors just don't look human enough to pass as video game characters... #assassinscreedii

@elmorepow: it's quite possible, especially as the current/previous title holder was on a single platform, while this is on three. #modernwarfare2

@Pornosaur: That's exactly what I was thinking. Yeah we got a better Orange Box on 360 than the PS3 got, but there has still been very little support.

@Stymie99: I somehow doubt your squad will stay together between matches, seeing how they hadn't fixed it for BF:1943 either. Unless they were just too lazy to use new code over the code from BFBC.

@phylipsbane: the only time I ever thought I should've gotten a game for PS3 rather than 360 was Mirror's Edge, which uses the shoulder buttons and triggers so much, the PS3's controller makes more sense for it.

@Dreadk: it's amazing how loud my 360 seemed when I'd just turned it on (it was idling on the dashboard) compared to the PS3 which I'd just turned off after playing Uncharted 2 for a couple hours.

@Xer0Signal: I find the graphics (on 360) to be good enough, especially considering the amount of action & zombies on screen.

@mepadels: then don't forget to add a not-very-funny caption to the picture of your dog, preferably something about a (basement) cat, bucket or hotdog and try to make it badly phonetically spelled to add extra "lol-ness".

@Infallible: maybe they've switched from spending their time making a demo to preparing for DLC? That's where the money comes from after release, not a demo. Just look how many companies now state there will be DLC months before a game's release, yet they "don't have time" for a demo... #assassinscreedii

@Emran Qadir Ismail: yeah me too, but without a demo I'm not sure if I want to get it right away or wait until its price has gone down. The same's true for most games though, as there's no way for me to rent games... #assassinscreedii

@Etto: It's also really welcoming to new players when they're pitted against level 20's and up (mostly way up).

@Treponema_Pallidum: Naughty Dog might've been able to integrate the multiplayer nicely without making the campaign suffer, but they did a horrible job at matchmaking and the lobby system.

@GunFlame: no, 'cause if it was, they wouldn't have used the Xbox 360 steering wheel... #diy

@m4rkg: I would assume it's the per month price, which tends to drop if you pay for multiple months in advance... #globalagenda