
After having played the MAG beta for an hour or two, maybe three, last Thursday I had such cramped hands I can't even bring myself to download this demo as I'll probably enjoy myself to the point of not being able to hold my mouse or pen tomorrow at work.

@Rachel Fogg: do what I do: blame it on the tools you have at your disposal, but make sure you don't have any tools nearby when you start blaming them or they might retaliate ;)

@cornpopsicle: oh that's a good one. I feel the same way and what's worse: unlike Halo 3, I couldn't get into this game playing solo. I waited until a friend joined me for co-op and then it became relatively fun.

@Poison: as do I, and I absolutely love your delicate way of describing her ;)

@sazzrah: not unlike the free "game" that came with the 360's webcam thing. I tried it once, but gave up after a few minutes as it was tiring and highly annoying to try and get the camera to 'see' my hands (I'm quite pale, so I imagine the camera couldn't pick out my hands & arms against the background).

@suntorytime: I'm not sure about the showing off bit, especially when not all 6 HDD bays are used up, but it sure looks far easier to maintain than the setup in my Antec case where the 4 HDDs are in a 'box' that can be pulled out, but then the cables get pulled out of the HDDs making hooking them back up a royal PITA.

That does stink. We've had to go without internet for some 3 days at work due to a bug in an ISP's router. Everything had to be done "the old way" by phone, fax and (yuck) face-to-face, while files had to be handed off on USB sticks, CDs & DVDs.

@(Zombie) The Forgetful Brain: ever since the Left 4 Dead demo on Xbox360 I've been giving demos at least two shots, especially if they're of a genre I'm usually not all that interested in. It's gotten me to buy and enjoy several titles I otherwise would've dismissed.

@EternalStar: they succeeded once, so either they didn't want to try and get it released for free, or realized they could get a slice of the pie too and just put a price tag on the same content for "those suckers" (as most PC gamers seem to think of console gamers).

@Ethereus: Same here in the Netherlands. We don't have the luxury of being able to rent games save for maybe a handful of local stores. Heck, I can't even sell my games at a local store.

@Noodle-Works: I thought there was a story a while ago about this game having a single player aspect where once you, for example, commit a crime, the cops will start chasing you. Nothing major there, except the cops will be other people playing their game, choosing to try and stop you.

@The Cap'n: I agree the "no" option's too vague. It'd be better to have a "no, never was interested" and "no, not interested anymore" rather than just "no".

@fearing: thanks for the great explanation — and everyone else who replied to my post too. It seems a shame the story in the games came across so throw-away (I can't think of a better word to describe it) as if it had, the books might've interested me, giving some insight into things like this.

@Tiller: I'm not at all familiar with the Halo story, even after having played the 3 games multiple times, so I have to ask: is this an enemy whose entire "species" is wiped out before Halo CE happens, or are they introducing an enemy here just for the sake of having something fresh in ODST, completely ignoring what

@Handsome Al: I thought twat was what twitter users were called...

@RicketyCricket: or you can get a slap in the face and get sued for sexual harassment. Then you get to try and outrun the lawyer squad. They're far more dangerous than city guards.

@ChibiteraSuperSonik: I really enjoyed the first one, so this is a no-brainer first-day purchase for me. I just hope they didn't fix the repetition and put something annoying in its place.

@John-irl: but they don't police them either, so they don't have to charge as it doesn't cost them anything.

@Primal80s: wasn't the pistol an updated version of the halo 1 pistol? The other one is the silenced SMG kind of gun, right?