
@USMarty: that'd be sweet, but they ought to make it co-op capable where the second player would jump in as a supporting character.

@osteofight: that was the lamest part of the game. I just need to finish the very last part (stupid batton & knife wielding guys tick me off) and find the last few riddles, then I'm done.

With limited editions going actually limited, it's only a matter of time before they make extra expensive "limited collectors editions" in which the collectables are of high quality (instead of cheap, mass-produced plastic crap) just like movie prop replicas.

"His parents got him a computer when he was a kid that had 8K of RAM."

Are developers immune to bankruptcy problems? It seems no matter which studio closes, they always start new ones the same day, pretending nothing ever happened.

@DrClawsMackHand: length, width, height, time = 4 dimensions. We've been playing 3D games since Pong, with only depth (or width) missing there.

@MyBigToe: maybe because a lot of Brits like to mention the UK separate from (the rest of) Europe it's been adopted by others? It's time to mention the Netherlands separately too ;)

@prototype beta: I just got the completionist achievement (for a sec I was worried 'cause I missed 1% of the map, but it's only items that count).

@persocom: they'd be stupid not to borrow a few ideas from the PS3, like the HDD that folks can change themselves (an integrated SDD or similar "drive" would work for storing the firmware and profiles) to save money, integrated wifi and blu-ray.

The one thing I can't stand is having to read about this downtime a day before it's going to happen on Sony's EU blog or the day itself on here. Why can't Sony send their customers a message to read on their consoles several days/a week in advance like Microsoft does?

@NecronomiconUK: the previews of the new AvP aren't exactly what some may have hoped. Apparently graphically it's sub-par, the marines portion is a run-of-the-mill corridor shooter, and the finishing moves are too similar.

@Sloopydrew: I'm just like you then. I can't handle the PS3 controller for very long stretches as my hands get cramped up, so I used my PS3 for the exclusives while I get everything else for the 360.

@davidtobin100: I loved ME1 except for the inventory and squad outfitting management. Just have to remember to pick the right Shepard to continue with so I don't get the one who pissed off that autograph/photograph guy from the bar.

@MARl0: For some reason I felt that game's too short and I don't know why, but I'm not looking forward to playing it again just for the 100% items achievement. I kinda wish I'd known about the glitch that lets you prevent the trial from ending prior to buying it.

@billysan: It's just a shame you can't put the paintball gun on your sackboy as an accessory, but it's instead tied to the level.

@Ackers rhymes with Crackers: I tend to try, but I don't have the right mindset for drawing. If it doesn't turn out right right away, I think about people like this guy who actually can draw and make it look easy and I get frustrated and give up :(

@pandafresh: The Wii makes most gamers far more tired than they'd like. Why'd they go outside and get even more tired? And you can forget lifting those heavy bowling balls or tennis rackets for real when a Wii-mote is so much lighter.