
@Kuikara: doesn't 'splosionman have an unlockable avatar accessory of some sort? I remember reading about that.

@CitizenErased115: I don't think the difference is all that big, plus, unlike Home avatars, Xbox avatars will be used in games, making your purchases perhaps a bit more justifiable if you're playing with friends. It's all bull to me, but there's no doubt there's a huge market for avatar clothes and accessories.

@yantelope: I've yet to buy anything in Home (I haven't even touched my PS3 in at least a month) nor have I bought dashboard themes or gamer pics for my 360. Do I expect to buy anything for my avatar? Nope, but I don't know what the future will bring. Right now though, none of this stuff is worth any money to me, but

@Ginji: Right, that's what the downloadable games will be for. They'll cost more than a used copy probably, but they'll remove the need to have the disc in the tray, which is of course a huge problem as we never had to put physical game media in our consoles in the past...

@meatee: Perhaps they compress the data differently? Or if they didn't compress it before they might've started now. Either way, this is good news for everyone regardless of the size HDD they have.

@Tevor_the_Third: You forgot the gun's sound. That's what made me go "oooooh!" even though the footage from earlier this year showing them play as the predator made me seriously doubt this game.

@Joe Lengerich: it does look like CoD4 and that's not an entirely good thing. I had fun with the SP while it lasted, but the MP I couldn't get into.

@kyle4: I agree. The Tomb Raider movies aren't bad, nor do I think Hitman is as bad as some like to make it out to be. Even the Resident Evil movies are enjoyable in their own way.

@fELIXADER: tape hurts when you pull it off. I'd rather use rubber bands myself

@grimdeath9740: Painter is what the name says: a painting program, something Photoshop can be used for to some extent if needed, but Painter's far superior at it.

@Curse_Lily: I did the trial a few times and quickly found that turning the plane controls to southpaw improved things greatly. With the southpaw control scheme for planes you'll turn left/right with the right analog stick while the left one is for going up/down and banking left/right.

@ThursdayNext: In these harsh economic times companies will go very far to save money. Why hire expensive "experts" if you can have Joe Blow come up with characters, logos and names?

@coblenski: some of those females were not completely unattractive, which was a shocker to me as the only pretty gamer-girls I've seen and/or met aren't nearly enough of a "core gamer" to join such a protest.

@R3nko: I already have several pairs of those. Unless I'm mistaken they're called "boxer briefs" in the US of A. Best features: they're wireless, don't need batteries and have a waggle stick in them.

@2SBs: @2SBs: I prefer CET myself. Now I'm off to find a few sites that'll have live streams so I can watch it tonight and have a few backup options if any of them fail due to server malfunctions.

@uzivatel: first thing I thought was "Three webcams for extended range of capturing motion? That might actually work." After all, that's sort of how mocap works. But then it hit me: webcams don't do well if you smoke, as the lens tends to get brown residue on it, like your TV screen does.

@Pyrefly: the only thing achievements tend to "help" with, for me, is replaying a game on a higher difficulty when it's not good enough for a replay if there weren't any achievements attached to it.

@TalKeaton: sometimes people need a good kick in the nads to wake up and start taking matters into their own hands rather than just complain about everything while standing idly on the sidelines. I don't know if or how he tried to address the situations that've lead to this blog post, but he clearly got fed up and

@cyruss: I don't think digital distribution of movies (especially of the Netflix type where you never own anything) worry any movie distributor, let alone Sony or the blu-ray group/organisation/consortium/whatever they're part of. Not to mention blu-ray has far superior sound and visuals over streaming movies and