Rajiv Nathan

3 cheers for Shelix!

Awesome to hear! I encourage you to also list out things you notice about your coworkers. It goes a long way to be able to offhand know something great a coworker did, or understand their approach to something. Including the concept of writing down what I learned about a coworker into my Learning Log helped me better

Great stuff! I would recommend adding an extra heading for what you learned, this way you not only track your activities, but what you get out of them as well. This will help you find efficiencies, and find creative solutions to your assignments!

Whether you want to move up in your company, or move on to a new company, you HAVE to look out for yourself!

Love it Matt! That’s a great quote from your previous boss.

Great to hear Mare! The big thing with my strategy is it’s not only jotting down tasks, but what are you taking away from these tasks. If you can explain the knowledge accrued, that goes really far

It’s really all about setting up success systems for yourself, and not putting the onus on others. When you systemize something, it almost always gets improved.

I’ve never used RescueTime, but I’ll have to check it out!