Gee Tee Eh

my guess is unless you're hitting Enter after typing T or J then you aren't gonna register a search

Free Run 3's are fantastic and retail for $85.

you obviously have no idea what a meta-review is...

yeah that looks nothing like America..

It's possible that pre-orders are sold out because people are selling them on Ebay for $900, and not the other way around..

you're talking about the Apple lawsuit against Nokia for ripping off the iPod Mini right?

I've made that exact order at least twice, and regret nothing!

cool im sure LG & Sharp will love that.

you're correct in that it is wrong, the article yesterday pointed out that the majority of the canadian cross border shoppers in that area are of asian and indian ethnicity

kinda hard to proofread while making a latte and shaving on the highway

the Playstation price drop to $180 CAD is what originally prompted me to buy it so that I could try out Gran Turismo..excellent and proven strategy

i might have missed the sarcasm but dentists do not go to medical school, unless they want to be doctors..

the part where his daughter puts a pic on twitter of her condom stash actually happened

med student/doctor..really now..

thats the exact model I had as a kid..the 50...it was pretty awesome except most of the other kids had the 200 model with a frickin BACKPACK to hold extra water..

his 8 pts 10 reb off the bench yesterday makes me think it wont happen

reference to a different Hugo Schwyzer article

I stopped at Conservative Christian

Dropping the notion that you are a good guy and other guys are jerks will probably do a lot to help you find the type of women you're looking for. There is no such thing as a Nice Guy. If you stop seeing yourself this way, you're confidence will probably skyrocket, and people can sense that a mile away.

cant tell if your serious or white knighting...of course there are men who are attracted to those women as well as men who aren't..thats not the point of this article..the point is stop having this stupid limiting conversation in your head which only ends up bringing you down, and instead just be awesome