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It can also be used to knock the house down.

Judge order someone to execute Recuva on your computer. Then what? :O

and that why we use browser extensions such as Disconnect and Ghostery

I can't believe I looked down at my keyboard. Well, shit.

So where does find reliable tools to encrypt a hard drive and does it impact the performance of a computer?

And suddenly, pothole...

Since when did humans become so lazy. I mean seriously it requires close to no effort for a person to open a jug. BUT this could also be for the rich handicapped.

Yes, it is.

I shot down the sky and replaced it with clouds made from my fog machine.

Under Best Buy

So how does one "walk" through the loop?

I just hope the erosion doesn't become a problem. I mean wouldn't it have been a better to slowly blow layers off the top?

I am blown away.

Sorry I did mistake that. I myself am not a hardcore gamer but people are being unnecessarily attracted to it because of its popularity. There are millions of better games created by Devs who but there heart and soul into but are not recognized because of a popularity crazy over AB.

I got Type II just by looking...O_O

I completely agree with you.

Rugged "goes over curb"

You Can Detect Radiation with a Freaking iPhone Plug-in

If you look to the left you can see a part of an antenna. Herp Derp

Those Mofos better be solar powered.