
I think you’re wrong, at least unless you and your fellow luddites get their way.

The problem with mandatory breathalyzer tech is when it inevitably goes wrong bad things can happen.

People aren’t especially jazzed about today’s level of self driving tech, what they really want is 10 years from now self driving tech.

That’s literally only Tecla’s and only because Elon stubbornly insists that LIDAR isn’t needed for self-driving (spoiler alert, it is).

In the center of a venn diagram

Could not disagree more, once self driving car technology becomes mature and reliable enough it will revolutionize how people travel in a way not seen since cars became affordable for ordinary people.

Sadly still better than it was in the Nick Denton era.

You think nobody has been asking for self-driving cars?

Still not close to BMW and Mercedes drivers, or drivers of lifted pickups.

I’m a Bolt owner, while I’m well aware of the charging limitations of my car (one of the main reasons we bought my wife a Mach-E) I don’t doubt that many EV drivers are completely clueless as to the charging speed of their cars. Not just in terms of peak charging speeds (which are only attenable for a short time under

I really will never understand why Airbus decided to design the A380 in such a way to make them unsuitable for freighter conversion after they were done carrying passengers.

Looks better than this Hyundai but it’s still not a coupe.

With an inferiority complex.

Bet you got called a “Fudd” for your trouble.

I’ve long lamented that the UAW has a monopoly on automotive workers in the U.S.

Let me know when they have a proper instrument cluster placed in the drivers direct field of view.

This is literally in my neighborhood.

You’re right instead of driving 30 minutes to work in Southern California I could take a 90 minute bus ride.

We as a society need to be more accepting of letting people find out when they f**k around.

Why not the bus while you’re at it?