This is not what’s about what’s good for consumers or the economic stability of the nation, especially not in the future. This is about nothing more than short term shareholder value for automakers and oil companies.
This is not what’s about what’s good for consumers or the economic stability of the nation, especially not in the future. This is about nothing more than short term shareholder value for automakers and oil companies.
Is it bad of me that when I see pictures like these I immediately start to think about how she looked (and how much better she looked) before that rEdiculous boob job?
I’ve lived in L.A. (where this particular disgrace to the legal profession is based) nearly my entire life and I can’t recall a single instance where one of her “cases” has moved past the hold a press conference stage.
Allred has already successfully achieved her “endgame” in this “case”, because the only thing she cares about or ever does is hold press conferences.
Well that should lay to rest the notion that Obama cares even a little bit about his legacy. Because when people in the future talk about Obama they won’t talk about the ACA or the repeal of DADT, they’ll talk about how in his last days in office he gave clemency to a traitor who used supposedly being transgender as…
Other manufacturers such as Mercedes are using the same kind of tech they just don’t label it as beta and force drivers to go through a multi step process to acknowledge and enable it.
Nearly every time one’s in a major accident it’s going to get totaled.
Much as I loathe the entire concept of President Trump I have to admit the idea of scalpers getting stuck with tickets is pretty great.
Who has more plastic? The girl or the car?
Ahh I see the strip club is having a fundraiser.
Because nobody should be allowed to work for a living in the U.S. without a union boss taking money out of their paycheck. Please, won’t somebody think of the union bosses?
They aren’t literally signing death warrants unless they are putting their signature on a literal death warrant.
Well I guess that would be one way for Obama to demonstrate that he’s not obsessed with his legacy, because such an act would overshadow everything he’s done or tried to do as President.
There are other members of the military who stole nearly a million classified documents and intentionally released them to the public who received significantly shorter sentences?
Look I love Natalie Portman and I find Ashton Kutcher annoying but isn’t actor pay primarily linked to (real or perceived) bankability (the ability to sell movie tickets)? Wasn’t this movie a romantic comedy? Isn’t the vast majority of the romantic comedy market female (even if couples go, how often does a man…
1 is (sorta) close to being finished, should have already been in service a couple years ago but the whole program is a clustertruck. It should enter service sometime this year.
And a few years after that the repair bills due to the first owner not bothering to do maintenance properly (or at all) or do anything whatsoever to take care of the car because they knew it was going back when the lease was up.
That T-100 might cost $25k around here.
Isolationist thinking in a global economy, makes sense.