And I thought I was picky when making a list of requirements for my last car in 2012:
And I thought I was picky when making a list of requirements for my last car in 2012:
Then they would need to be registered and insured and would need to be moved/driven periodically and I’m guessing these cars haven’t been moved in years.
The neighbor is a tool but the guy is an idiot for thinking covering the cars in tarps would do anything besides escalate the situation. “Gee my a-hole neighbor thinks my 2 project cars are ugly and has an asinine state law on his side I will make them WAY MORE ugly just to show him”
Interesting, Pidgeys are still reliable for me #pidgeyislife but those Ratatas are a PITA, I won’t even bother trying to catch a >100CP rodent anymore unless I feel like “wasting” a great ball on it and if I’m running low on pokeballs I won’t bother over 50CP
oops I forgot the link
Old article is old, there’s not data to suggest that HPV vaccines “only last 5 years” there was just a lack of data to demonstrate that it lasts longer than that.
Lawyers are bummed they won’t get their massive class action settlement so they are looking for someone else to profit from.
They could give it away for free and I’m still not putting UPlay on my PC.
They could give it away for free and I’m still not putting UPlay on my PC.
AFAIK the only place those notes happened was in Portland.
I”m not sure that Trump has theALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD!
I know I’m coming off as an ass for pointing this out in this thread and you can label me a troll if you want but I will still point out that really only staunch gun control advocates choose to interpret the second amendment to say that it only allows guns for the “well regulated militia”. There is very well…
That was really the first thing I noticed. On one hand it’s a real shame that he felt that was the best course of action (putting his hands behind his head) but on the other he was probably right.
Agreed, I can’t get enough of The Taste of Maine™
As I’ve been saying for years, there needs to be a single fuel economy standard across ALL vehicles, that means cars like the Chevy Volt and Chevy Suburban get averaged together.
I’ll be sure to let Adele know.
I call BS on your entire story.
It’s actually much more expensive to keep someone on death row for years than to lock them up in prison for the rest of their life.
He won’t be executed, California hasn’t actually executed anyone in more than a decade and only executed 13 since 1978.
Don’t tell Dame Helen Mirren that.