All I know is whenever I hear that song I instantly get a headache.
All I know is whenever I hear that song I instantly get a headache.
Nidoran♀ used Valtrex, it’s not very effective.
At least one of those got (appropriately) deaded.
So she decided to give them a reason?
I’ve never measured the exact temperature of any hot beverage I’ve been served, though I’ve always been careful not to spill it on myself because any reasonable person can grasp the concept that hot liquids + skin = burns.
It’s even brown.
Well my not-anecdotal experience says otherwise. I was skeptical of the 10k OCI on my A3 Scandalwagen so I sent off a sample from my 2nd or 3rd oil change to Blackstone labs and they said the oil was still good at 10k.
Man it will be sad to see you go, will check out the new location.
The woman destroyed her own genitals by being a dumbass holding the cup between her knees so she could use her hands to add cream/sugar to it.
So because she was seriously injured she automatically deserves money? Just because McDonald’s is a big company they should automatically pay the poor old woman regardless of the facts of the case?
I’m 6'5" as well. Agree that every plane and every configuration is different. Also for sure seat pitch has been getting shorter so an older plane may well have as much legroom in economy as a newer plane has in economy plus.
If you’re tall those 2" make a big difference.
No, I do have a loan though. The payoff date on it is September of next year but I will be paying off early.
Management reserves the right to refuse service to anyone. Especially Dittos.
Sounds like you are prepared for trouble.
Seriously, I’m an old white Republican curmudgeon (I know there are redundancies in that statement) but I think this phenomenon is a great thing. I’m seeing young people out and about like I haven’t seen for more than 20 years.
I’m really really REALLY pro-car but it seems like this bridge is one of many ways to cross the river, and more people are seeking to use it for Pokemon Go so the city is making the decision to close it to make it more suitable for the people who actually will use it.
You can feel cheated, personally I’m thrilled. This is pretty much the best case scenario for me.
Granted I live in California which is the worst when it comes to emissions rules but the DMV is making me get the 2015 “fix” for my car in order to renew my registration - even though that fix doesn’t even fix the NOX emissions problem.