
Dipshit. Obama cut the deficit in half while Trump has ran it up. And that’s with Obama coming into the Great Recession while Trump was left a strong economy!
Facts don’t care about your feelings, Trumpflake!

My parents were paying $25000 a year for high deductible insurance that did not cover pre-existing conditions for about five years before they became eligible for medicare. Now they pay $200 a month(10% of pre medicare cost) for supplemental insurance and their pre existing conditions are covered.

Do you realize the Medicare negotiates adjusted prices with ..Uh hospitals, doctors and drug companies? They pay so much less than everyone else that caregivers try to limit the number of Medicare patients they will treat. If you think the solution is reducing costs, Medicare is your huckleberry.

Obamacare sucks up until you need to get insurance outside of employment. Then it is far better than the non options you didn’t have before it came about. CFC was massively flawed, but the shit written above is completely incorrect and CFC infused the US recycling industry with massive amounts of money and created a

Oh, well then, I want to go back to using leaded gasoline and asbestos insulation because it’s cheaper.

Why do the 1% hate Americans making real wages why they walk around with billions not doing shit with it besides making more money for themselves?

I hate to break it to you, well no I don’t because I cannot stand people that constantly shit things out of their mouth have no idea what they’re talking about because they clearly either pay attention to fairy fables like Faux Noise or Facebook and nothing else.....

The overall cost is truly irrelevant. If we can give half of our tax dollars to the goddamned military, we sure as shit can give that much and more to providing health care to every one in the nation.

Ok sure, if the auto companies and banks weren’t bailed out we’d be in a economic depression

Uh, and you believe this idiotic take why?

Not meaning to start the typical internet shouting match (I swear!), but those weren’t bad moves, at all. The Detroit bailouts paid for themselves and were a *fraction* of what Trump is now handing out to corporate farmers as a result of his trade war. Cash For Clunkers was NOT an environmental move; It was an

Which is why Medicare for All and destroying health insurance companies is the only way forward.  No opt in, we’re ALL IN.

I’ll just say, Obamacare worked great where it worked. What killed it was all the red states that were willing to cut off their own noses to spite their faces. My family used Obamacare for three or four years. It gradually got worse as it was dismantled, but it was still better than the cut-rate insurance offered by

Never fuck in an autonomous car.

Plants, animals, all made of the same stuff. Proteins, fats, etc. If it's the same stuff, and it's put together in a similar way to deliver the same texture and taste, why does it matter?

I blame poor gas station designs. Ever go to one with a broken pay-at-pump system, so you have to go in to pay. It generally works like this:

Stocking shelves at Walmart is also a low skill easy job, doesn’t mean that we should throw out all protections for Walmart workers.

Ah yes, $60B (or whatever it is now at) of market cap simply off a “hobby that pays”. LOL, what else did the PR guy whisper in your ear that you just believed as gospel?

Friggin seriously. Some jackass always makes this claim – while completely ignoring the fact that these companies actively encourage this behavior AND the ridership volume the NEED in order to keep meeting their growth requirements are mostly built on the existence of these drivers. As if college kids driving an hour

Stop drinking the Kool-Aid.