
Sorry but that is something every public figure has to deal with.
Which doesn´t mean that i find it ok in any way, but it doesnt´change the reality that this comes with the job as a public figure. If you can´t handle that, just get an office job ;)

kinda funny how no one cares that the next sentence of her is left out “speaking of fresh air” leading to the weatherforecast.

Doesnt make this bad joke ok, but this context lessens the spitfulness signifigantly in my opinion, its just a bad joke.

Marshall Mcluhan once said:

“First we form the tools (meant are communication tools) and then the tools form us”

Twitter was a mistake from the beginning. Having an in depth argument with limitied Characters is just impossible, so this site was just a screaming match from the very beginning

Well thats is what you get, when you pander to the wrong Audience.
Remember Blizz also had this awful Diversity Tool.

Now you got the Audience you pandered too and you have to live with pleasing that Audience, which seems to be an impossible task because there is always someone offended by something.

Thank you kind Sir, had the excat problem ;)

Captain Marvel is a bad film, full stop. Yes, it made a billion dollars, but a massive part of that was women viewers, who otherwise didn’t give a shit about Marvel or the MCU, coming out in droves to support it to spite the shitty sexist movement against it.”

Far more logical Explanation for the Films success is,

Nah, this was made for the fans”

If this was made for the Fans why are the Fans complaining ?

Why is it never an Option to tell your own Story with your own Characters, that was just influenced by/based on another Story ?

If you take an established Story and aren´t faithful to it, its no wonder that there is backlash.

Sad truth is, that there are engough people with engough money that don´t really care and still buy this, thus making lots of money for the company, so they don´t really care about the backlash they just have to manage it till it dies down eventually while continuing to make money by selling overpriced skins.

well one could argue it proves that atleast your brain has retired when you stick things like this into you v. :D

Netflix presents a star-studded Blue Eye Samurai”
Kinda makes me sceptical, who cares about how many stars are in an animated Series ? Putting this into the foreground of the marketing makes me think, that this series is not good and has to compensate with lots of stars.

I could be wrong, just saying this marketing

Who cares about Pepper Potts, if she returns and also thinks that this could save marvel ?

Btw i also think that returning Downey Jr as Ironman won´t save Marvel because it would cheapen his sacrifce in Endgame.

What got Incels to do with that, beside beeing an convenient Label for you ?
Your aren´t any better than the ones angry over the mod removal ;)

I wonder why “White Men” didn´t make the List, which could also be an Anthem for the current Zeitgeist :D

So how many Women hold Speedrun records in any game and thus would be eligable for invite ?

Without this number i can´t tell if this is injustice or not, since the event is called “Games done quick” and not “Games done diverse” ;)

Now playing

Was never interested in FaZe, but knew the Name.
But reading this, reminded me of a video that i saw, about the mess that is FaZe:

I remember the only reason i watched “Alone in the Dark” was because Tara was in it. And when you see the film you also now why her career didn´t took of ;) (To be fair you can put the blame on beeing in a poorly written Uwe Boll film and not on her acting skills ;) )

How about answering the question “how to distinguish between “racist” and “its just bad” votes” ?

So that you all concentrate on my bad grammar (no native english speaker), shows me i got a point and you all got no answer for a valid question why you ressort to critizing my form.

Because, english isn´t my mothertongue.
Seems to be a strange concept for you that in the Internet, not everyone is a native english speaker. Are you racist ? :D

Kinda fun how protective the industry is regarding Millers allegations, which are way more severe and with loots of proof unlike the Johnny Depp allegations.

Can someone explain for me why “alleged” grooming of children isn´t treated like “alleged” domestic violence ?