
Smilo Ren (established by YT “Little Platoon”) is a very fitting name :D

Sad that they realize this now. To be honest, i would have enjoyed NCutie Gatwa´s take on the Doctor with some proper Scripts without the messaging, same goes for Whittaker. Both Whittaker and Gatwa have an awesome screenpresence, but even that can´t rescue a bad script. And its kinda unfair that the Actors had to

Calling out bigots is fine, but in this case i am not so sure.
Every liberal, plz raise your hand, if you where fine with lets say every racist and trump supporter leaving earth for good to life in their so called white utopia.

I bet everyone would help them to leave as fast as possible. And isn´t that what those

For a Country that is so proud of its christian believe its kinda baffling how you all turned a blind eye to “greed”, which is one of the mortal sins. ;)

I am with you. I don´t know whats all the fuss about Spoilers. In many cases Spoilers help me to get even more interested.

Only Exception for Spoilers are things like “The 6th Sense” and “I see dead people”, but this Spoiler here doesn´t sound like it falls into this category.

Well the total collapse surely is also an option and i hope we don´t go this way ;)

Since Captalism in its current form needs consumers who need money to consume its inevitable to compensate the job loss and thus money loss of millions of workers with an universal basic income.

If no one can consume anything, what are even producing products for when nobody can buy them.

Lets clear things up first: “Seperate the Art from the Artist” do we follow this sentiment or not, seems to be on a case by case basis, sometimes we do sometimes we don´t.

I don´t see that Herberts Views are reflected in the World of Dune, so who cares ?

So even if you don´t like Herberts Views, its not okay to

I dont think the recasting is the problem here, it was always the trouble that let to the recasting and redcuing the problem to “beeing spoiled” instead of stating the real conflict (staying true to source material vs doing your own thing) makes me think you got an agenda of your own.

So basically you are saying “no complaints” allowed.
Well it doesnt even matter, what matters if the Film sells tickets or not and those already complaining certainly won´t buy tickets and i don´t see where its a good business strategy to alienate a portion of the audience before you even release your “product”

“Just because you see POC and women in a movie and it makes you uncontrollably angry at the same time as making you feel funny things in your private parts doesn’t mean a movie is preaching to you.”

Dude i couldnt care less, but you already assume that this makes me angry.
And the Problem isn´t Women or POC, the problem

“Fine! Go see the movies you find entertaining instead of demanding that your needs are more important than everyone else’s.”
See thats what everyone is already doing, thats why disney is currently failing und thus losing lots of money for Investors like Peltz thats why he voices his concerns about the money they are

I feel kinda sorry for Dakota Johnson, her career is already in shambles before it really began.

First the “horny” film and now this film, not much chances to shine.

So if Trump gets to be the next President, you would be totally fine with you getting fired for your opinions ?

Whats feels right isnt always right ;)

While catching Pals is part of the fun in Palworld, sometimes it’s far more direct to simply purchase the critter you’re looking for. The Black Marketeer is sometimes the perfect solution for that very need.”

If you are looking for a specific Pal, its way better to catch a Black Marketeer.
You can spawn them in your

Well you need to have flaws, so character growth can even occur.
So its highly doubtful that he has a similar arc if they don´t add a comparable flaw to him, he can grow out of.

And your Eikon point is silly because the trailers also showed regular fighting”

So palworld only showcased Gunplay in their Trailers or was this a hard selfown ?

Pretty sure that you also don´t have any kind words for the Pokimane content, so how is it relevant in any way ?

Everbody who is upset that they can´t shoot guns from the start, should consider buying an FPS.
Also i feel that is an very “american” grievance :D

Wait what, no Armin Tamserin Episode included, which is always pointed at for the beginning of the Simpsons decline ?