Raishi Fox

Agreed. The problem with this whole thing is that not everyone reacts the same way, not everyone communicates the same way. Setting one standard for what is and isn't acceptable communication before and during sex just don't work; what's sexy for one is going to be a turn-off for others, what some find safe others

I...see. So...that exists? Well...that's the first time in the last several years anything has ever made me feel vanilla by comparison.

Yeah...been an Ace Combat fan since Air Combat on PSX. Ace Combat Infinity is the biggest insult to me and other fans like myself that I could imagine. It's a fucking disgrace. Namco Bandai has turned into a joke, and they can't die soon enough.

Comment of the day!

Also possibly. Only slightly less bullshit than if they did it to make the consoles look better. Either way, I'm done with Ubisoft.

It's not about "being superior", it's about expecting game creators to actually use the superior technology instead of taking the easy way out. You'd be happy if the only games you can get for that PC of yours look like pokemon?

Let's forget PC vs console wars here for a moment, okay? This nonsense is a problem for both. There's a place for mainstream tech, there's a place for high end tech. It's always driven advancement to have the mainstream creeping up on the bleeding edge, to force it to evolve and improve despite the costs involved.

No, that's not the point. You're right, that is obvious. The point is that game developers have stopped even trying to design for high end hardware, and that the glacial pace of console advancement is holding gaming technology back. Apparently we've hit the point where game creators have decided to just pretend PC

Actually...no, forget it. I don't like trolling enough to push it here, though you're really asking for it with the "wahhhh, punish the other people" bit. Persecution complexes don't look good on anybody.

The performance hit is apparently negative. It runs better with the patch, with no stuttering.

Oh come on now...PC gamers don't HATE consoles, any more than a Porche owner hates a Power Wheels car.

I love this. It's not like the cat is even just randomly going after the dog; it actually stops to check on the kid before it goes back after the dog. What an awesome cat <3

Well, I can't say I've driven one. But that's what Hyundai's site says, and this article.

Except, of course, that it's real wood, as the article says.

If you live in a city, it might be a luxury, but a lot of us have to be able to drive to get to work, shop for groceries, etc. That's not a luxury.

There was one, many years back. Look up Racing Lagoon, for PSX. Pretty awesome game, even though it was never released in English.

Winning by flying across the finish line was always great though. Or landing so close you could run across the line for the victory.

Only mildly interested until I saw it was the same people that were behind Ring Runner. That game was amazing, one of the best indie games I've played in years. Going to have to support them on this one, now.

Unlike Olds, Buick has a strong lineup now. And it's very true, these aren't your grandparents' Buicks – most of them are your German relative's Opels. For the most part, there's substance here. Lincoln is doing something similar by actively going after Lexus ES comparisons. That's a better route if you're trying to