Desperately needs a 5-speed, and really could use a stronger engine if you want to have real fun with it.
Desperately needs a 5-speed, and really could use a stronger engine if you want to have real fun with it.
My main character is a Khajiit. She obsessively collects balls of yarn. I still haven't gotten tired of that collection. Never did in Oblivion, either. Or Morrowind...
Towerfall. But that will be out on Steam next week, so...
Imagine crisper, brighter N64 graphics on your television set, without having to resort to shady emulation. Man, I feel a little Body Harvest coming on.
New Mana game. Free to play. Square-Enix, how could you?
That would have broken my heart.
This is making me miss my S-10 Blazer so badly. I wish I'd had the money to fix that truck up when it started to rust out, I'd still have it today if I could.
Too big and fat? Compare it to its competition. It's hundreds of pounds lighter than the Camaro, and slightly lighter than the Mustang. The Genesis Coupe doesn't really have all that much in common with the Genesis sedan apart from the name.
Hyundai's been building RWD sports cars for four years now.
It would without that strange pointy rear. The front end is definitely sexy.
Run around and hit stuff, basically. There's a reason you hadn't heard of it.
Let me answer all those questions for you at once. willpower to resist a Focus ST is crumbling quickly.
My first thought too. Takemymoney.
Finally an excuse to actually use my poor neglected Vita! Definitely wanting this one.
A legitimate discussion...this should be good ^^
Definitely watch it if it seems like something you'd enjoy. The ending isn't...great, but it's not terrible, either. It's just a bit too rushed, and just doesn't necessarily feel like an ending - not a bad thing if they decide to continue it, which I really hope they do. Everything up to the ending is great, so…
My first...and seconds...thoughts as well.
It wasn't that long ago that one airline or another suggested this. One of the Gawker network sites, more than likely this one, and the majority of the commenters, tore them to shreds over it.