RaiseTheBlackFlag - Now with moar cowbell

But consider that Bernie and Gabbard would get the leftist vote and the nazi vote.

since Hinault spent the 1986 Tour looking for ways to urinate in Lemond’s water bottles.

No one wants a “federal system” for voting — at least, I’ve never heard anyone call for that. What Wyden (and many other security experts) say is necessary is a federal law *requiring* states take certain measures, including paper ballots and risk-limiting audits. The argument against it, which is a legally dubious one

1) The kid who recently got picked up by ICE was an American citizen. His mother even brought his birth certificate and they insisted it was fake. He spent a month sleeping on a floor in an overcrowded cell with 60 men. The kid lost 20 pounds because these concentration camps aren’t providing basic food or medical

You misspelled Tuesday.

Uh yeah I saw Ms. Fifteen Minutes. I also saw the next Serena go out in the first round this year at Wimbledon. Remember her? You Serena haters have been shoveling dirt on her grave for years and still nothing. Oh what she did is nothing worse than what Connors, McEnroe and Borg did forever to the never ending

It’s a gaffe. One gaffe in a steadily-flowing river of shit that continues to pour forth from the people in power.

If you’re going to let that be the one thing that stops your vote, then I have naught to say to you aside from what you already know: you’re in the tank for reasons of pathos, and that’s not going to get

TFW you use an individual’s poorly-informed (in terms of viable sources) understanding of their family history as delivered -by members of their family- as means to dismiss them.

I could, pretty readily, get into Bernie’s litany of “and then the GOP found this bit of kindling,” but I’d rather leave it at: the dude’s an

I bet they watch everything ahead of time before showing it to him, just in case. haha So who knows what he sees.”

Clearly mocking someone trying to assemble a Flurgen from Ikea.

It would do about as well here as the Smart car did. Or the iQ. Or the Think. Or the....

Damn love people on this site only caring about charisma and nothing else. Kamala Harris’s actual ideology is of zero importance to liberals. I guess it shouldn’t be surprising ‘cause Obamas actual ideology and policy were of no importance either. He hung out with celebrities and that was real cool.

Your avatar, a paragon of good faith arguments, makes me implicitly trust your unsupported assertion. You are right, I should totally base my primary candidate preference on the inevitable way in which Trump will mock his opposing candidate. Maybe, if I’m super reasonable and vote for someone inoffensive to power like

I’ve mentioned this before, but the fundamental problem with the rhetoric of people like McConnell (beyond the fact that, ya know, it’s in patent bad faith and designed merely to be repeated by people to say why, of course, reparations are beyond the pale), is that it confuses the issue of “fault” with

Why not both?

I too wish the singers of bubble-gum pop music would more perfectly encapsulate the damage done by members of congress and the collective oligarchy in their bubble-gum pop music videos with people known for shooting fireworks from their boobs.

I dont really have any patience for those who think we can’t have a reasonable discussion about candidates during a primary. We cant have all 50 of them on the ticket come election day. We gotta pick one. So let’s talk it out.

my apologies. you totally don’t come off an an unhinged moron. /s

ps: no one is upset with you. you just sound real dumb.