RaiseTheBlackFlag - Now with moar cowbell

Dr. Hibberd frames it nicely:

Unions are integral to how labor works, and how management interacts with labor. Back in the early 2000s, I was working for an adult novelty and marital tools company called Head & Spin.

Please note the Sao Paulo has been decommissioned by Brazil, and the Kuznetsov was seriously damaged in while in drydock.

Reflex Silver Metallic” . One day soon this will replace “beige” as the metaphor for car stuff that’s bland. CP.

They should post another one that says: “I am a former social media account manager.”

The model 3 is faster in a handful of metrics - specifically, performance metrics related to acceleration from a dead stop. Put a model 3 and a gt350 together at a track day and see which one posts the consistently faster lap times.

Bill Barr shows up in the first paragraph! That’s really telling. Is the coverup worse than the crime?

I’d actually take that bet. I don’t think the problem is that Pelosi is personally implicated in this story. She’s not corrupt in any way that isn’t systematic and regularized, so I profoundly doubt she’s got any personal skin in the game. Rather, the problem is that for the first time in her career, her political

In Gladwell’s defense, the Penn State coaching staff and administration probably spent more than 10,000 hours raping children and ignoring it, so he’d have to reject the entire premise of one of his own books if he didn’t recognize their expertise in the field.

The Jaguar XF Sportbrake exists and yet you don’t suggest it what is wrong with each and every one of you

It’ll be Steven Miller holding his index finger above his upper lip to simulate a mustache, and calling himself Meven Stiller. 

Guess what happens when you forsake labor peace, in order to get richer?

WHY? Just Why The Hell would somebody assemble — ain’t going to call it a “build” — this thing.

And yet strangely we have this persistent fixation with fixing *other countries’ flawed systems.

This is all correct, but I would draw a line at the military and James Mattis being an apples-to-apples comparison to other Donald Trump appointee/grifters. The military is really it’s own branch of government (unfortunately), and the expectation that they would resign as opposed to serve an unfit executive would just

Two locals in my town own these and every time one passes by it’s truly an “event”. Even if you think you’re ready for it. That hunkered down stance with the steamroller tires makes that car look LOW and WIDE like some exotics would like to be able to pull off. And that crazy rumbling 180 degree V8 sounds like you put

Well, hell. Looks like Donny saw through the Clark Kent disguise and figured out that Elizabeth Warren is really just Hillary Clinton with a pair of wire-rimmed glasses and an open jacket. For a minute there, it almost worked!

This obsession with Hilary is the longest Trump has ever been faithful to one woman.

Still a fun car but a JCW with no manual seems like sacrilege. 

Last primary cycle, I wasn’t super excited about either Hilary or Bernie, and wasn’t 100% sure on voting day who I’d cast my ballot for. This time, I was pretty sure I’d settled in Warren a month before the first debate, and my conviction keeps growing with her.