
Because she plays the guitar and goes on Colbert Report. She's "cool".

Wye Oak is fine. Their new album is FINE. Holy, Holy was their peak, and it's valleys below Video Games.

The AVC hates her because she's a well off white girl who worked hard, made connections, and crafted a stage persona not unlike Lady Gaga, but with references to the past as opposed to something 'new'.

The AVC loves their sad music, but they want to feel it comes from a "real" or "genuine" place. Affluent white people don't want their music coming from a mirror, they want something "deeper" to make their lives feel better. They have bloodlust for human suffering.

This isn't a review so much as a rehash of your (and to an extent, the internet's) feelings toward an artist you KNOW is manufactured and produced. I ask what makes her different from Katy Perry/Lady Gaga/Rihanna, or any of the numerous other female "solo" artists who have forged an identity in pop culture while


Where you see race wars, I see a direct rip-off of the "Bring it On" series. This show isn't that serious. Just because some of these old queens have awards doesn't mean they are always trying to win them.

Miley did an awesome job on SNL, and I think the internet in general is just backlashing at her. I thought Kerry Washington did the best job this season so far, and in general it may have been the strongest episode just because they weren't relying on Taram for everything.


Yeah, much of the time Samberg and Co made *zero* sense. There were hundreds of digital shorts, and only a few really went viral. There were 6 installments of Lazer Cats? Enough said.

I registered for the first time after lurking for a year just to say how much I disagree with this review. Did you get laid last night as previous comments have mentioned? These new guys, while receiving much air time and trying incredibly hard, just aren't breathing any new life into SNL. They are lesser versions