I also believe that the personalities of cats mirror their surroundings. I’ve never had an obnoxious cat. People have asked me what I did to have such chill cats and I never quite knew how to respond. At some point it became clear that disagreeable cats likely had good reason for their behavior.
I wouldn’t say that cats are actively evil so much as they lay down the law with selfish, lazy, busy body humans from the get go. Have some respect and learn to know their cues and they are simply the best.
I think that goes with the saying “Dogs have masters, cats have staff.”
Well, now I’m afraid I may me a psychopath. I had a cat before I met and married my wife, and the cat and I got along famously. My wife tolerated me (mostly) but actively disliked the cat. The cat and I would regularly gang up on her and cause mischief, together or each on their own, whenever we got the chance. I do…
“In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this.” ― the late, great Terry Pratchett.
You don’t get to deal with it other than understanding where your pecking order is. Hint: It’s not at the top. That’s where your cat sits. Just submit to the fact that your in his domain and he will do with you and your stuff as he pleases. He's not your pet, you're his human.
Cats are sadistic, mass-murdering nut-jobs. Like Republicans.
I’ve never understood what the correlation between the size of a cat’s brain and anything you could consider measurable intelligence is or why it keeps getting brought up. I’ve seen cat’s solve problems that I’ve seen humans fail at (opening childproofed cabinet doors is the best example). They have far greater…
or it’s the UniMeower Manifesto
who wrote this -- a dog? it’s anti-cat propaganda, it is.
My cat would be surprised to know he’s supposed to be solitary because he thinks he needs to be with me every moment of the friggin day.
Same boat, not a fan of gadgets, got one of these as a gift. Not that hard boiled eggs are difficult to make but now I always use this machine only because the eggs come out ridiculously easy to peel (no idea why - maybe because the shell is pierced before steaming/cooking?). A light tap and the shells usually slide…
“How dark will Archie be?”
Let’s not forget King George 3rd’s wife, Queen Consort Charlotte was of Portuguese/African descent.
I think they were thrilled for the distraction from Andrew the pedophile and Grumpy Charles.
Oh, the Daily Fail loves comparing the Sussexes to Wallis & Edward, even though the two stories and couples couldn’t be more different. For one thing, Wallis and Edward were straight-up Nazis, Wallis actually wanted to remain Edward’s mistress so he could stay on the throne, and yeah. It’s just a lazy, deliberately…
That thing was a whole Nazi married to King Whole Nazi. Like, let’s be honest about the abdication, England. It was less star-crossed lovers and more “we can’t have the sympathizer be king DURING the war”. Don’t even get me started on Phillip and his sisters. And to compare the black princess to her...Come on.