Omg I love Alex. She’s a worthy celebrity crush.
Omg I love Alex. She’s a worthy celebrity crush.
As a former Maine resident....fuck this guy.
I’m 9 mos pregnant and I’ve gone to most of my appts alone, because my husband has to work, and now I’m surprised that no one has asked about safety and DV. I might actually raise the issue at my clinic.
I’m guessing it’s to enable you to have more resources and info on how to handle it if she did open up to you?
This! Maybe OP has never had that kind of relationship with a stylist, but I feel very close to mine; I’ve been seeing her for years! And she herself has joked about how much information people share with her about their lives—because they feel safe and close to her but also because she’s separate from everything else…
But no one is required to report anything on this why are you making this about gossip? Are you just assuming a bunch of hairdressers can’t refrain from gossiping? Because that sounds shitty and misogynist. How is learning about the signs of DV and some resources/ways to help that can be shared with clients a…
I do think tilda is definitely looking for affirmation more than she is looking to really be challenged. Honestly, this conversation reads like she is trying to sort out the answers to the questions before the media circuit, and using Cho as a means to do that.
Except Tilda directly tells Cho she can tell her to fuck off if she doesn’t want to do that intellectual labor!
She gave lots of talks on the issue, but the media was too busy falling over themselves for Trump. At one point she was giving an important jobs-related talk, and the media (as in all the major cable tv channels) literally chose to show an empty podium where Trump *would be* speaking in 30 minutes, instead of…
That is actually my least favorite HGTV show! I know all the drama is always manufactured on these kinds of shows, but they really go all in on the fake drama; I can’t handle it. Also, why is everyone always so mean to each other on that show?! I thought Canadians were supposed to be nice!
In the post President-Elect Cheeto world, HGTV is one of the few things that make me feel safe and entertained-while-simultaneously-bored enough to sleep. Why, Jezebel, do you insist on running seemingly weekly articles about how it’s all lies, everyone secretly hates each other and/or gay people, and everything is…
Yes! Also when my bestie is worried about not looking good, and I’m thing to convince her she looks amazing, I can tell her ‘you know I’d tell you if you should change’ and she feels better because she knows I would!!
Yes! Good point. When I showed up at 6 weeks or my first appointment, the nurse was legit kind of annoyed at me for being there so early. She basically said “yes, you’re pregnant, come back in 2 weeks”
Jesus Christ, I didn’t even know I was pregnant until 6 weeks. The first four you aren’t even actually pregnant!! It’s just your normal cycle at that point. So that’s a 2 weeks window to find out your pregnant, make a decision, and get yourself to a clinic. Aggghhhhh. Fuck everything.
Woah, I got a long response! I ask if you’ve read the feminist post-colonial theory on this topic (You know, for that graduate thesis you wrote on the topic. For Harvard), and you respond that I must hate myself and am a big dummy. Sound logic.
Since you seem so passionate about this subject, I still recommend Politics…
So you’ve read the mountains of poco feminist theory on the topic and decided you just know better? Or maybe you decided you didn’t need to read those pesky brown women’s voices?
Oh you spoke to these women and they told you this wasn’t their choice? You’ve read the extensive writing on this topic, including the voices of women who claim to choose the veil/burqua/etc, and determined those women were lying?
I actually wrote my graduate thesis on this and you’re wrong. You seem very interested in the topic, so I suggest you read Joan Scott’s Politics of the Veil.
Except this is exactly why the electoral college was designed! Our founding fathers didn’t actually trust the will of the people, so the EC was established as a safe-guard in case the American people ever elected a dangerous whackadoo—like Trump. (That and slavery.)
So if the electoral college overrode the will of the…
Good point.