I logically know that it is exceedingly unlikely that this recount effort will change the results of the election, but I’m still in the denial phase of my grief and I can’t help but hope.
I logically know that it is exceedingly unlikely that this recount effort will change the results of the election, but I’m still in the denial phase of my grief and I can’t help but hope.
I honestly don’t think she knows how to not have that stupid smile on her face. She does that in every interview, and I find it very grating.
Eh I still don’t like Jill Stein, but I like what she’s doing. (See also: Kanye & his music, Tom Brady & his playing quarterback, etc.)
I’m pregnant now, LOOOOOVING the smell of coffee, but can never drink it even before pregnancy without wanting to have a full blown panic attack.
8 mos pregnant & I felt bad telling my husband to brush his teeth before kissing me. Objectively I knew he didn’t have bad breath, but to my pregnant nose it was an issue. (For the record, he didn’t mind in the least)
Damnit, missed opportunity of a lifetime.
I feel like we could be real-life friends.
That’s what I’ve been thinking!!
I did have really good tacos the one time I had to go there.
Dude, why isn’t she on TV all the damn time? Why did I have to watch a marathon of that goddamn show Love it or List it on my sick day this week, instead of hours of Nicole Curtis?
I just bought an old house wick pocket doors and I love them! Except one is on our nursery, and when baby rainy_day shows up in January I’m convinced the sound of closing the damn door will wake him everytime
I just watched this episode last week. Hahahah, I love your story so much and really appreciate your use of caps lock.
I agree with all of this, except I really, really love farmhouse sinks.
I travel to college campuses for work, and one of my all-time favorite things was seeing a banner pro-life banner at Baylor featuring the hashtag #bearsforlife.
I’m with you. I like open-ish.
Oh man, that has not been my experience. I’m jealous of your wife.
Actually for some people it won’t ‘go on’ free of consequences. If you’re a first generation American, afraid your parents will be deported, or a Muslim going to avoid a registry, or a woman who appreciates access to reproductive health care, or a black person who’d like a reduced chance of getting shot by the…
I am especially impressed by the politics a of this. As you said, Clinton really can’t demand a recount without looking like a sore loser and getting REAMED in the news circus. Jill Stein is actually the perfect person to do this. It’s fucking brilliant. Almost makes me think I was wrong all those times I said she was…
Big hugs.
I saw a headline that Mitt Romney is being considered for SoS or something along those lines and I felt positively hopeful. I long for the days of G.W. Bush, who to-date is easily the worst president I’ve lived through.