
Our founding fathers would HATE it.

Agree to all of this! Esp the part about hanging with Clinton. We nerdy feminists know how to have fun.

Naw, they didn’t pick Warren as VP because it would has cost a senate seat. Gov Baker would appoint a republican temporarily and then there would be a special election. Last such special election was for Ted Kennedy’s seat and it went to Scott ‘I drive a truck’ Brown.

I suspect yours would be less suspicious. I don’t know how you could make a letter sound LESS like Belichick

That is entirely too many words for it to be believably Belichick. But I’m sure he does use the word ‘tremendous’ that often.

I’m going to sound like one of those feminists without a sense of humor in 3, 2, 1....

This feels unfair to actual babies #notallinfants

The critiques of Comey, from fellow prosecuters on both sides of the aisle, have been pretty intense. It’s standard practice not to comment on an ongoing investigation (i.e. Wait until you’ve conducted your investigation so as to avoid rumors & shit stirring) and it’s common practice not to comment on a presidential

And if he weren’t running for president right now, Donald Trump would be retweeting them.

I clicked on the article, expecting to have the same takeaway as you. I figured Chappell had some funny, cutting things to say about Hillary and everyone deserves to take their lumps. (Also Schumer definitely got criticized here for her dumb Lemonade parody.)

Oh definitely! And I am not saying Albright is shitty or unfeminist; she just sort of mangled the line and it made for a bad sound bite.

Came here to say the same thing. I even wore a ‘Rock for Life’ tshirt, sporting a fetus playing guitar.

Yeah that was a shitty thing for Albright to say. A lot of feminist Clinton supporters were mad at her for that bit of nonsense. So when Sarandon does the same thing, it’s still bullshit.

I can understand and empathize with the difficult position of thinking that both candidates suck. But suck equally? One is literally endorsed by the KKK, has surrogates calling for the murder of Clinton, has sexually assaulted God knows how many women and brags about it, has a string of bankruptcies and unpaid vendors

Oh fuck off, Sarandon. A) It’s actually shitty and sexist if you to imply that women voting differently than you are doing so because their little lady brains can’t handle voting for a reason other than “that one has boobs too.”

That’s actually not true. The pussy-gate tapes really hurt him in the polls. Too much doesn’t matter or stick (and I’m afraid this story is too complicated to stick without a smoking gun) but things DO stick to Trump and hurt his numbers.

Oh, I did my homework and I’ve enjoyed a few drinks over the past few months, and I’m sure I’ll enjoy a few more before this little guy shows up. It’s “drinking for the next 9 days,” that sounds both lovely and inadvisable.

Omg no, this is not about Bernie. The DNC did not steal the election from him. It wasn’t rigged in favor of Bernie & it’s not rigged in favor of Trump. Just no with the conspiracies.

At 7 mos pregnant, Im jealous of your coping mechanism.

Potentially, more creative control over her show?