I’m pretty sure that’s common sense and also not the point I’m making.
I’m pretty sure that’s common sense and also not the point I’m making.
It’s important to note that this shit is also genetic. I know few people who workout as consistently and as hard as my husband. (He does that crazy ladder thing for 40+ MINUTES!) We eat healthy, we don’t have junk food in the house, he only drinks water/seltzer, etc. He’s not a small guy, never has been. Technically…
I am positive that a large number will carry on, but I also think enough conservatives are generally pissed about what their party has allowed to happen, there will be a push against the ‘carry on as normal’ bs. The counter force might not win, but they’ll be there
I don’t live in a food desert by any stretch, but New England really is not known for its good nor authentic Mexican food, especially in a fast casual environment.
My dad’s sisters live in San Diego and are awesome humans & super liberal, and I was so shocked when my aunt told me the area was full of nutso conservatives!
I thought the joke itself was funny, at first assuming (foolishly) that Melania was in on it. But then he made her stand up, and like perform submissiveness after he mocked her, and that really grossed me out.
I just bought a house in the burbs, and while MA is overwhelmingly blue, there’s a house around the corner with hand drawn ‘Hillary for Prison’ signs and I can’t even walk by the house without wanting to egg my new neighbor.
At 7 months pregnant, I’m really impressionable. Damn if I don’t want a giant pb&j sandwich with a side of Granny Smith apple slices & peanut butter now.
Yeah, I think the technology piece is a huge reason why we’re actually, finally paying attention.
Yeah, the whole thing about making her ‘stand up’ bit was soooo uncomfortable and creepy.
Yeah I’m guessing his staff wrote some jokes and he ‘wrote some jokes’
Trump failed and got booed because he didn’t tell jokes. Other than a few jokes to start and the sick burn on his wife, he just gave his normal Trump stump speech.
I’m sooooo glad you posted this. I rewound the debate to make my husband enjoy this, the worlds most perfect eye roll. And then I gleefully said “I can’t wait to watch the gif of that tomorrow!!” AND HERE IT IS.
Did more black men get shot by the cops, or are we, the nation, just FINALLY paying attention?
I’m that lady cackling in O’Hare like a mad woman. Sam Bee is a goddamn international treasure (Thx Canada.)
I wonder if the fall out from Trumo not conceding is that Republicans will have to drop their bullshit voter fraud narrative that they use to pass voter suppression bills. Maybe Trump will make the whole issue so toxic for them, they have to cut the shit.
Eh, but I don’t think she was trying to change anyone’s mind. She was including commentary on the current political shit storm into her stand up routine, and since commenting on cultural issues is kind of her thing, I’m shocked people didn’t expect her to mention the election.
New rule: If you want to be a politician, just don’t ever, under any circumstances, say the word pussy. Especially is you are a creepy af male wannabe politician.
Dear god, I hope that never happens. The obstructionist nightmare that is the tea party is (part of) what paved the path for a fringe monster like Trump. I’m all for more liberal policies within the Democratic party, but I hope the people representing those ideas also have a sense of political strategy and don’t try…
Except everytime Johnson has a big stage, he acts like a total and complete moron. I would be uncomfortable with this guy teaching my kid high school civics, never mind being President.