

Do you consider the ads “content blocks”? Can you rearrange them the hell off the page?

For a special edition paint that gold is ugly. 

You do realise that the installments include 24 months of access to Live gold and gamepass?

This is so Rad.  I can’t wait to see that sweet, leather interior.

As somebody who is a biker in New York City, a big fan of your articles, and by all measures the target demographic of this piece...I don’t know if this is it. The mayor’s failure to expend any energy in the direction of bike safety has been infuriating, but I don’t find it particularly useful to pretend that the

You forgot “exhaust note of an out of tune agricultural product”.

Its ok, I’m sure the Nismo version will be GT500 money and as fast as a normal Mustang GT.

This is only giving them more free press. Just let the company wither into nothing more than a memory for the poor souls who drank their bile for clicks.

Many people like their cars to reflect themselves.

I see you are unfamiliar with Joan’s patented brand of “assignment written the night before it’s due” articles.

Ellen is a challenge to the LGBT community to not see things in black and white. “Ellen the shitty boss” can and does coexist with “Ellen the trailblazer for LGBT folks in celebrity media.” We should not let one erase the other in either direction.

This is just... me wondering why so many people are so heavily invested in jumping on the boat of flames for the people who basically opened the doors for gays. RuPaul included (that fracking shit I’m not a fan of). At what point is a mean boss/coworker newsworthy enough for numerous, numerous articles?

That kinda went... nowhere

Like, imagine tossing in something that looks like an old Blaupunkt but has a lil Bluetooth button?

He needs to fly under 10 more bridges if he wants to beat today’s GTA challenge. 

While we’re at it, is it illegal for me to be typing this with my penis?

Im sure more informed people that me will answer this but an article that wants me to rat out a guy should probably address WHY i should more than it looking dangerous.

Exactly, the power was never the point.  I had an old carb’ed 87 with the 351w and I truly miss the sound.  It wasn’t quick, it wasn’t fast, but it made a satisfying rumble and had plenty of torque for trail crawling.  It is just nostalgia I’m looking for basically, with some modern conveniences...like over 7mpg.