Oh, I'm sure they will. I am a W123 aficionado of sorts, that's why I owned one! I don't hate them. But I'm realistic about them, which I think many who haven't experienced them are not.
Oh, I'm sure they will. I am a W123 aficionado of sorts, that's why I owned one! I don't hate them. But I'm realistic about them, which I think many who haven't experienced them are not.
I can't believe the W123 is in the final, especially over the E36. I had it losing in the first round, to the Audi 5000 of all cars, because having owned several old Audis, I know that the 5k got a bad rap that persists to this day, and can be modded, updated, & hooned well. I've worked on all manner of W123s…
I'd be a hypocrite to criticize here, because I totally used to drive the course backwards and crash into people whenever I played R.C. Pro-Am.
OMG I love this. See, Jalops go nuts for wagons... eff that. We need more big ridiculous hatchbacks, like the A7 and this thing
This is a man. A man and his truck. A man, his truck and a fire. A man, his truck, a fire, and a recall notice. Chevy, find new roads.
'American press likes the new Mustang'
If you want to grind it out in detail, head for www.bobistheoilguy.com . More info than you can shake a funnel at. ZDDP is great stuff , but poisons catalysts. Since most cars are roller lifter equipped , it becomes moot for 90+ % of the cars out there. Also , car companies don't necessarily want the maximum engine…
If you are gonna go, go big i guess!
Oh and those filming couldn't be from Newfoundland because I could understand them.
I think you're mixing up 'worst' and 'most awesomest'.
8 amps
1 sub woofer
2 speakers
1 foot actuated volume control