There is plenty here. Has been for quite some time. If you hit me up before you come through we can schedule to meet up at one of the local tracks (Hallett or Thunder Valley).
There is plenty here. Has been for quite some time. If you hit me up before you come through we can schedule to meet up at one of the local tracks (Hallett or Thunder Valley).
"pure pricing" plus a couple grand in "dealer prep". Thats what the toyota dealership did here when they first sold the xB.
A friend on mine already gave the local dealership an undisclosed amount of money to get his. His invoice says $107,065. I guess so that no matter what Subaru decides to sell them at they don't qoute him too low. I have a feeling that he will end up paying more it's worth once dealer markup hits.
I'm not sure if you are making a joke about it looking more like a truck than a blazer or you really dont understand what a blazer is. This is not a C-10, it's a blazer.
Well, I've owned two of these cars (3 actually). I owned and raced an '87 and an '88 Merkur XR4Ti. I also had a Dallara widebody Fiat X1/9. The Merkurs I knew exactly what I was getting into, what I wanted to do, and how to do it. The Merkur has to be up there with the most times in ANSWERS OF THE DAY. Seems like…
"Sure, maybe, but only if her idea of a prince is Kid Rock in a wife beater crushing a PBR on his forehead."
Holy shit!! I wish I had known that before purchasing my iPhone 4S. I don't know how many times I've wanted my phone to save incomplete emails I'm writing. I'm going to the AT&T store tomorrow on my lunch break and get an Android device regardless of cost just for this one feature.
Well damn, I was really hoping that Jalopnik wouldn't become trolls like Gizmodo has lately. This is just asking for needless stupid flame wars in the comments.
Get rear ended by car riding very low to the ground?
Have rode in a XR4Ti with a 5.0 swap and while it did have aluminum heads and intake to help with the extra weight it was not noticeable compared to my 4cyl car handling wise.
Maybe it was the lack of you knowing the difference between fuel injection and a carburetor ( which the XR4Ti never had ) that made it so unreliable. Did you work on it yourself? I've owned and raced two of these for many, many years. They handled amazingly well compared to quite a few vehicles of the day and still…
Wait...what? You clumped way to many motors together without really specifying what you are talking about. Yes, the 2 valve 4.6 is a pile of shit, but the termi dohc 4.6 and the 3 vavle 4.6 (like the picture you used) are great motors compared to the 2 valve and make great hp/tq. Then you add to the fact that…
The XR4Tis did come with a slushbox. They were given different boost levels between auto and stick, though for the life of me I cant remember which one had the higher boost since both of mine recieved boost contollers anyway.
Ford 150s and Chevy 1500s. Ford taking the slight lead. They run 100s of thousands of miles, then when it starts failing apart you continue using them for another 100k because they were made back when trucks were made for doing work, not looking pretty. Then when its time to replace the motor or trans there is only…
An article about chefs and their favorite tools, awesome lets see what Alton Brown has to say.....wait, WTF? Alton isn't part of the article? Never mind.
Yep, it isn't the great addition that everybody seems to think it is lately. I can't stand when people cover a great dish with it say how it adds a fresh clean taste. Fresh and clean like bits of plastic covered in dish soap.
Without a doubt!
I just watched that whole video, and now I feel really dirty.
Puppets (muppets) + (nudity, language, violence, sex) = Meet the Feebles