Thank you for this post. Well-written with very little fluff.
Thank you for this post. Well-written with very little fluff.
You've found a product you like and the OS is working out well for you. That is great! Kudos for taking on the beta. Usually there are some kinks in these things and I am a little more on the conservative side when it comes to installing anything new. Once bitten—twice shy, you know? Keep on truckin' posting!
I am not hating Apple. I think it is a great operating system. I have friends and family that use it. The OS is really home-user friendly. You're absolutely right about the other companies as well: it is business and the business of business is to make money.
I like to put fresh, air-dried, crisp white Egyptian cotton sheets on my bed (I get as close as I can). I like to air out everything as often as possible—as long as it is above freezing. I like throwing out all the detritus that clearly didn't work out for me. Even better if I can give it to someone who will actually…
Yeah, me mum and her chum go to Goodwill often and try to come back with less than they brought!
Good luck to you and I hope you can report your experience back to Apple. A lot of companies rely on beta testers.
A lot of us are more connected than ever, yet we are still paying through the [insert body orifice here] in order to meet our daily communication needs (just look at how much we pay for basic texts on our phones compared with other nations). Also, how reliable is it?
The only problem with venturing out into the bleeding edge is that you start to get dizzy & lightheaded after awhile...
Linux Mint has a lot of advantages. It does seem a lot cleaner. I used to use the standard flavor but switched to XFCE for a new install on my net-book. There seems to be a lot of issues with Ubuntu, beyond just Unity.
Oops, I kind of duplicated your post. Hey, GMTA (Great Minds Think Alike) you know?
You should check out the Distance Calculator. I like to use this for my runs. You may have to enable JavaScript. It is a cool hack.
So there was this gangster named Arthur. He gets a call from his boss to wack a client and another target shows at this same grocery. His price? Fifty cents a head. It's just a hobby don't you know... The next day's papers scream: Artie Chokes Two for a Dollar at the A&P.
As long as you don't have HPV or Hep. C, go for it. I prefer not to hack bits of skin off my hands if I can at all help it...
I hear you. I really like your post. You said everything I wanted to say on the matter.
I have the Ikea model which the manufacturers claim is an eight cup (in five ounce cups of course—who drinks a five ounce cup of coffee? Wankers!) Pour the hot water in, press, pour it into your mug. Our electrical went out here for three plus days during the summer. Fortunately, gas was fine and I brewed my cup of…
Vim is a horse of a different color. Not as intuitive initially, but I can see how a lot of people like it (note to Lifehacker: Easy Flame War, right? Vim vs. Emacs.) I am sure I will have to learn this software eventually. Interestingly enough, I still have to type vi in my CLI in order to use the thing.
I like Gedit too! It will highlight code in C and give you line numbers (if you check that option; good for tracking errors). It comes standard with Linux Mint. I am just a novice learning to code but I use it for all sorts of notes that don't warrent opening up word processing software or typing into my CherryTree…
If you have to Wii, do it in an appropriate spot. That being said, your Center of Gravity makes a huge difference from daily movement to parkour to finding out if your light plane is going to behave in the environment you are about to put it in.
Say, you can fix that C-note with a little invisible tape—if you can find some...
You have several good points there. Sustainable Living is a good thing and I highly recommend it. Also, we are constantly making trade-offs and re-evaluating what is important at every stage of our lives.