
Whewww. Until God and Jesus are internationally recognized as being Black, I am completely disinterested in the inner workings of those who shuck and jive for the Lordt. Hard pass on Franklin and fam. That said, I hope this kid gets some help tho, because abuse is real and 2021 is already doin too much.

A person can literally be raised inside of a family and still be neglected due to how they are treated in comparison to others. Just based on that wild spat he and his sister had over Instagram it’s highly-clear he views his experiences growing up fundamentally differently, and they can miss me with this therapy mess

For once I agree with Rick Scott, He is 100% correct. Dear Republicans and conservatives that have no issue demonizing blue states despite living off of our taxes do not accept once cent of that money. All you states that swear that Joe Biden isn’t The President refuse that filthy money. For if you accept it you by

I think they figure that anyone looking to dissolve the glue is savvy enough to pick the right generic solvent.

The best part of the happy ending is that it was an intelligent, educated, compassionate Black man who came through with the solution and the skills.

I saw a short video on YouTube by Daily Gist where it was removed. Seeing a Black surgeon carefully and tenderly attending to a Black woman’s hair and scalp moved me to tears. I was certain her hair was done. He found a way to resolve the problem while preserving what was important to her. It reminded me of the sister

I have a wheelbarrow. It has a teeny tiny tire with the warning “not for highway use” on it.


I’m not saying a word about this chile. I learned the hard way that people who pronounce month as “munt” can fight. Paradoxically, her lashes, contacts and clear obsession with “lotta hair” tell me she is fragile. Send help immediately.

I look forward to reading a new hair-related warning label on future gorilla glue bottles.

You see?  And I bet you didn’t overthrow a single government while watching those videos.  

Now playing

So, I fell into the ASMR rabbit hole. Scores of YouTube videos that do nothing but simulate the shit you could be doing, if you knew how to do it yourself. Some of the shit is pretty wild. My favorites are restoration videos, like this guy who restored an old Soviet motorcycle from scratch in his shed:

Yes, Gardening! Or:

The only important thing this dude has in his life is Racism. Just look at him.


100% this. Peanut butter M&M’s are what Reese’s Pieces wish they could be. 

And Tootsie pops. Tootsie rolls barely count (and a strong argument can be made for exclusion); the pops do not.

And Reese’s Pieces. There’s no chocolate in those. That’s what’s wrong with them.

Respectfully, I disagree. First, I have to say I am speaking from the perspective of a middle-aged Southern white male, so I haven’t lived the same experience of most of the commenters here.

But Michael’s (extremely limited) timeline illustrates that the historical wrongs haven’t healed, because they have never really

Quoting from before, but also addressing your post, I’d say bringing up things from 150 years or 20 years ago isn’t so pointless when it DOES have tendrils reaching into lives now. But the current issue still needs front and center attention.