
probably not something allot of people would use. But i'd love it if each email account in Thunderbird had a "blacklist" to which I could list email addresses that Thunderbird would deny me from sending email too from that email account.

having that wishlist is nice and all, but it would be helpful to also list the hardware aside from that. Only a small portion of the hardware shows up in the wishlist.

The system does have a flaw, albeit a minor one.

i like the idea of this, but i'm always afraid i'll strip too much and break something... Maybe this guide will help me avoid that scenario.

After using this software for 6-8 months here is my opinion.

"I need to have a more scheduled car maintenance system"

@Samson12: Probably not (though i've not researched your router), the reason this works with the Linksys router is because it uses a Linux platform/firmware or something, which means people can get at it.

I did this last year (probably using lifehackers guide). Unfortunately Linksys (according to my experience with their products) routers suck balls.

For those of us who own larger resolution screens: It would be really nice if when browsing the photo-gallary, and we select a larger size (like 1280 for example), that when we click "next" it stay on that 1280 size.

that new 9mm plasma kinda makes this moot (aside from the 1,000,000:1 contrast ratio of course)

wow, upon seeing the pictures of the blue one - :Vomit:

I think the underlying principle is whats important here.

In the last week I've been working through setting up a virtual dedicated server with iis 6, php, and mysql to run several websites (i would have done linux but a program I'll be running requires windows).

The only additional thing I would want in such an excellent guide would be one detailing replacing the hard drive with something a little larger. ;)

I quit drinking alcohol. I found that the weekdays working monday-friday were becoming my recovery days instead of the weekend, because I'd get drunk Friday or Saturday and it would take a few days to recover energy/spazaz.

I've been using it for a month or two now. I use it to provide off-site backups for my critical-personal files.

but also dictate text, a heck of a lot faster than you can type.