Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

And yep, here come the racists letting us know that all Black missing persons cases should be ignored or even celebrated as kidnappings and death contribute to the GOP “Genocide Other People” goals.

It’s to the point where any headline concerning these two is just met with “well, what are the rags lying about today?”. Nobody believes ANYTHING these papers are saying.

It’s all an attempt to distract from many messes the Royals and some Royal “reporters” have made for themselves. Dan Wooten, a chief lie spreader is a practicing extortionist and has committed SA. Chuckles the 3rd has received a hefty pay raise on the backs of the people who are struggling to pay their own bills due

The account I saw said it was all about the mud flap. There was no speeding and the driver even called 911 while seeking a safe place to pull over.

Racists are fighting back, because they know they are on the wrong side of history, are losing their tenuous grip on power, as a just society moves past their regressive ways.

I hope for her sake she can stay anonymous. The worst thing you can do after winning the Lottery is make your name public, sadly some states require it

American policing does not work. Neither as a deterrent of crime or as protectors of the citizenry.

Yes I’m sure slaves were learning lots of skills that they could use in their free time, which existed maybe from 7:07pm - 7:08pm when master was fornicating with their enslaved daughter who just turned 13

This version of “history” trying to convince people that enslaved Blacks were better off because of the “care plantation owners took” or the “sunk money costs of raising generations of enslaved people” is the biggest crock of crap!

Until Florida stops pushing racist propaganda on vulnerable children, they should be ineligible for Federal funding.

ACAB, and fuck the greys that say otherwise (or follow me around posting bullshit stats)

Pot, meet Kettle. Old Pudding Fingers has no business talking about how people are “criminalizing political differences”. Clean up your Florida house first you chode.

A “Karen” influencer here in California claimed a Latino couple tried to kidnap her children, unfortunately she only got ninety days of jail time and twelve months of of “informal” probation...whatever the fuck that means.

If she were white, they'dve found her by sundown

Yea I’m not sure why anyone would want to go to a desert country full of rich assholes, run by indentured servants(at best) anyhow, tbqh.


So... your point is this post belongs on Jezebel since UAE is misogynist and not racist? Just FYI over half of black people are women and girls.

Better set aside a chunk of money for lawsuits from Chad, Whitney, and Devon all of whom whose parents will encourage to apply just for the chance to sue if they are rejected on any grounds whatsoever. Because that is White America at work.

There is a pederast mimicking my username in the grays. It has a disgusting comment history and has at various times mimicked other users on Kinja.

1) Yes, he did. Federal employees, which he is, are subject to VERY strict laws regarding accepting gifts and disclosing them. He broke *BOTH* of those laws.