Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

Bloomberg is a goddamn neo-feudalist. He made New York a worse place for the vast majority of New Yorkers and his continued super-villainish meddling in the affairs of normal Americans with his undeserved, hoarded wealth is obscene.

Charter schools are generally for-profit, unregulated trash. That fact that a rich creep like Bloomberg is involved should tell you alll you need to know.

You got me at the 'shut the fuck up line.

I want to hug you. Perfect response to asswipes like that. 

Also, I’m not aware of many cases where thieves restock shelves while they’re robbing a place.

Preach! Please say it louder for the folks in the back.

“the cops could see people calmly putting things on shelves - rather than taking them off and putting them in a big bag” -

Thank you for taking out the trash Raineyb1013 !!!

It’s THEIR store. YOU don’t dictate when they can and cannot work. Maybe they had other obligations after the store closed and the only time they were able to be there is 1 a.m. In any case, that’s not any of your business. Maybe if the officers got out and got to know their beat, they would know who the shop owners

I’ll repost my response to TVerba. Because they have clearly had a privileged life and have never had to work retail.

Yes. It’s absolutely normal. I worked retail for a very long time. Restocking while customers are shopping is disruptive.

Nice ideas, but the root problem is never that training is too infrequent. When a 50-yr. old man has been racist for 50 years, you can’t un-racist him with an hour-long PowerPoint. The problem is the people themselves. You can only fix this by firing the officers, then by firing all the people who screened and hired

Victims still expected to solve problems caused by racists.

2 billion?  That’s a lot of money for you or me, but in the context of the U.S. government budget, that’s not even a rounding error.  We spent what, a billion a day in Iraq and Kuwait?  And we can’t spare a tiny bit of it for disabled Americans?  The priorities of our government are fucked up.

Family embarrassment should be the least of anyone’s worries - the Till family suffered a murder!

Prosecute that old lying bag! Lock her up!

The so-called Judicial System sure gets exceptionally sloppy when it comes around to the prosecution of white people when they are the perps....the McMichaels and Associate, ex-Peace Officer Jason van Dyke comes to mind among hundreds of others.

Nor how old she is...she needs to go to trial 

Prosecute! Expose her! I don’t care about the embarrassment for her or her family!