He was just a sad angry dude.
He was just a sad angry dude.
“He was angry at the mask mandates, he was angry at the ‘damned liberals,’”
Yeah, I’m sure she gets a lot of unfair criticism, but this is bad. One could be forgiven for forgetting, say, the 1956 Revolution in Hungary, but my mind immediately went to the former Yugoslavia, especially since the U.S. was militarily involved. She needs to leave those kinds of gaffes where they belong: with…
And his tenure ain’t even three months old! That’s gotta be some kind of record for shortest political/press honeymoon.
This has to be the craziest mayoral term in NY’s recent history. I’m including Ghouliani. Adams is going to get so many people killed.
Typical, typical, typical. Always using the Black guy as the fall-guy and never touching the white ones. This country is sick AF and I’m tired! I’ve been going through this for over 50 years, and this just reminds me of something I went through as a young teenager (1970's).
I don’t have any data for this, but I’m certain this is true - announcing you have no restrictions increases your event’s chances of becoming a super-spreader event beyond just not preventing the spread. Why? Cuz it feels like every person who has a high risk of spreading it (unvaccinated, large circle of friends who…
Then anyone who goes to Coachella is an idiot who WANTS to get COVID.
As long as the rich get more money, who cares how many die?
And Omicron/Omicron+ are more easily spread than the previous COVID variants. This is a sheer more Money at the cost of killing customers move. It’s very much a “stripping all safety from a device so we can sell more cheap units” money-grab.
Exactly and there’s no way around, except for sellouts and people of flexible morality, ethics, and values.
No ammount of personal pain justifies him supporting and parroting white supremacists and Trump. “He’s like my father” said the pathetic sellout man.
Kanye West was never a musical genius, in Hip Hop or otherwise, and I wish yall would stop such nonsense. Prince was a genius, Stevie Wonder, Curtis Mayfield, Bob Marley, Miles Davis, Billie Holiday, Mighty Sparrow, Ella Fitzgerald, Lord Kitchener, John Coltrane, Winston Marsalis, Nina Simone and so on all deserve the …
Under that pile of money Russia gave to the CAS
“Speaking at a press conference, CAS Director General Matthieu Reeb said: “The panel was very concerned that if a provisional suspension was imposed on the athlete, and later at the end of the day at the completion of all procedures she would not be sanctioned or would have a very low sanction, the provisional…
Of fucking course racist murderers use slurs like this! They are Mostly Average Georgian-Americans. These MAGA muthafuckas are like mosquitos in this gods-forsaken state...
Of course ‘Defend The Police’ is not part of the democratic party’s platform, its not like they care about anything meaningful or anything that would bring substantial change to the lives of black people, so to hell with them.
Abolish SWAT. There is rarely ever any need for these clowns.
I’m sure he selected this district out of opportunism with the incumbent retiring, but this district doesn’t even include Atlanta exurbs. These are small towns on the west side, and full-on country the farther you get from the city.