Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

That mob of traitors should have been cut down with chain guns before they reached the Capitol doors or windows.

Shoulda been a blood bath. Teach those assholes a lesson. Like they do peaceful protestors. 

The grays suck.

You’re right on all counts. Why won’t these nasty trolls just leave us be to communicate in our space? You know the reason why. The same one they deny. 

It’s like someone asking for a fork and they get it but stabs himself and then blames the person for giving him a fork, he’s a fucking adult (apparently not).

Why the fuck is it on the server to ask about allergies instead of, you know, the person with the damn allergies!
Common Sense 101

The smoothie he ordered is literally called a “Peanut Power smoothie.”

Exactly. The language should be moved automatically without fee. It’s the goddamn law. The Fair Housing Act should have triggered the change for all deeds.

Fuck this dude and fuck anyone trying to defend him. If you or a loved one has a severe allergy to some type of food, don’t order food outside of your home. Yeah, you heard me. These are high school kids, not doctors or nurses. Same goes for restaurants. Things get cross contaminated all the time. So his son is so

If the allergy is that severe, why the hell aren’t you ordering, like, a strawberry smoothie?  He picked the absolute riskiest item on the entire menu.  What even is a peanut smoothie with no peanuts?

The “professional courtesy” thing among cops needs to stop. Forever. Seriously, do these bastards truly have pride in their profession if they are helping peers get away with crimes that they are intensely trained to identify and prevent? If anything, they should be proud to weed out and eliminate from their ranks any

No one is insinuating he murdered her because he’s white. The insinuation is that, because he’s white and she’s black, police didn’t question his claims nor thoroughly investigate the crime scene in a manner appropriate to a seemingly healthy 23 year old found dead with a virtual stranger in her home.

You. Are. Wrong.
Articles like this have to be written, the race has to be mentioned, over and over and over again, until institutional racism changes.
Simple as that.
And because institutional racism isn’t going to change anytime soon?
And in fact, is so entrenched that an entire half of the country is claiming that such

At least in my circle of life, the era of his speech was probably the biggest white wash in youth education. It was washed to a point of not existing outside ‘MLK gave a speech and got shot, then the Civil Rights Act was passed and racism became illegal’ stuffed in during the last week of school. 75% of the time got

Local administrators felt the topic set off “red flags” that related to CRT.

Based on what? If she had overdosed on drugs, the police would have had that information from a blood test within 24-48 hours. It’s been almost a month and a half. Where is the cause of death? Why are you assuming there was a drug overdose when her brother literally saw her a few hours earlier while that guy was

Right... you know how 23 year old people routinely just drop dead with bloody noses? It does not make sense that a 23 year old just suddenly started bleeding from the nose and died in her sleep. A bloody nose would be consistent with a physical attack of some kind. There is absolutely nothing about that guy that

They didn’t insinuate that she was murdered because of her race. They insinuated the negligent investigation of her death was motivated by race. How does it make sense for the police to assume she died of natural causes at age 23 with a bloody nose when she’s got this guy who told them that was the first time they met

Dictator DeSantis will next outlaw LGBTQ in schools. He’ll get rid of voting by mail. He’s outlaw using words he doesn’t like. He really is a dictator no joke. Call yourself whatever you want. His actions are becoming more and more of a dictator.

How did your maggoty brain determine that the term “assault rifle” was the critical part of this whole shit fiasco?