Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen


What conspiracy? I’m simply stating facts. The only conspiracy is that of some people to convince Black people that that’s not true.

Florida didn’t.

Their take on crime is bullshit. Every time the cons talk about “tough on crime” what they really mean is “tough on negroes.”

Because as much as white women talk about how oppressed they are by white men they still vote with white men. They have been doing this consistently. They are benefiting from their proximity to white men.

If only they were this diligent with the pimp and child molester.

Isn’t this the same police department that had a predator rapist on its payroll? The same dude who framed a woman’s son for having the termity to not want to fuck him?

But where was the lie?

I hear the Black turnout is down too. Who would have thought that going out of your way to arrest Black people for voting and putting them on blast as publicly as possible would suppress the vote.

Why the fuck are they labeling a grown ass klanswoman as a “Jane Doe” in their arrest record like she was some kind of juvenile?

This will probably make a good number of the Floridian degenerates more inclined to vote for this fascist POS.

I’m getting a flashback of Melissa Harris-Perry and how she was booted from MSNBC. (Her show was great I loved it) This is a pattern and it’s not a good look for MSNBC.

Only suckers and fools believe he’s about free speech.

elon musky taint doesn’t have the charisma of Steve Jobs although that doesn’t stop the idiot fanboys from gushing over him for any damn thing.

Why waste time with appearances? I think based on what went on at Musky Taint’s Tesla that he is not anyone who has any business being in charge of anything approaching a town square if you don’t expect it to become a racist cesspool of fuckery.

Time to deactivate that account of mine. I’m sure the single digit number of followers will miss me.

For the same reason they pollute the comment section of The Root. They can’t stand the idea of someone not being assaulted by their fuckery.

What kind of conversation do you think you’ll be having with racists out there just tossing out slurs for the lols?

There isn’t a block list long enough to accommodate the number or racist assholes you’d have to block to make Twitter tolerable.

Affirmative action isn’t going anywhere; it’ll merely go back to its original form aka the good ol’ boy network.