Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

More than once. Apparently, it thinks that referring to someone as Dog, is supposed to not be taken as the racist fuckery that it is.

That statement right there should cause them to pay dude a shit-ton of money. That sounds blatantly illegal.

National reciprocity? No! How about you respect the fucking jurisdiction you’re visiting. The last thing we need is some asshole from Texass or some other fucking shitty state with basically no rules (except for Black people) can come visit and go on a fucking spree in a location where people are tightly packed.

I don’t know why these bitch ass bigots in the grays think they are in any fucking position to tell anyone how to act when they have no goddamn behavior their damn selves. That said, what we’re not going to do ever is have some fucking punk ass bigot try to have the fucking nerve to order me to do a damn thing that

This reeks of some combination of The Secret and prosperity gospel; a scheme to make you think that the outside forces conspiring to keep you from accumulating wealth is your own fault.

This sounds familiar to the battlepass system that Tencent is planning to implement in Conan Exiles. This is cementing my belief that the way they plan to use the battlepass system with get it now or miss out forever items is a shit idea.

Grieve? He didn’t even wait for the body to get cold to try to fundraise off of her death. What a farce!

This bastard in the article is a vampire - a pasty, white, glutted parasite who will lead the industry to ruin.

The plot device, which frankly is dumb as hell, which requires Quiet to remain, well quiet, is ridiculous and misogynistic. How many times have women been told to just STFU by men who didn’t want to hear what she had to say on any subject. And now the greater message is that to save the entire planet this woman has to

Let’s be real, if they acknowledged that white supremacy was a problem they couldn’t get away with the bullshit narrative of terrorism having a brown face like they do now. Can’t have that. Besides, they and their supporters resemble those white supremacists.

Trump took one step too far in her opinion, that doesn’t change the fact that she’s trash who voted with him 99+% of the time. People trying to make Liz Chaney into a hero lack the memory capacity of a gnat.

Did Ms. Williams not own her own show? How is it that someone can erase the whole thing without her say so unless she did in fact not own any of it?

Oh look! Another wannabe white asshole who thinks being aggressively violent toward Black people will get them their white card.

I do not have any of that stuff in my house either. This is just another reason to keep it out.

Claims? Seems like they are admitting that they did in fact frame him.

Shapiro knows good and goddamn well that right-wing ideology is innately linked to violence and cruelty. It’s a feature for him, not a bug.

Why are you hiding his wife’s face? She certainly didn’t have any issue going on TV to help spread this slanderous bullshit?

They would rather blame Black people for everything than ever admit to the truth.

Funny how when some racist asshole comes for someone and calls them the n word and shit and they get clocked certain people are quick to condemn said Black person for “standing their ground” but some white (or white wannabe) dickhead decides to use lethal force when they get into a shoving match, the same assholes