Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

Well, it certainly isn’t going to work if someone say the president decides to make a speech about how shitty the filibuster is in front of a Black audience in Georgia while also talking about voting rights (something else he’s doing jack shit about) when the people he needed to go talk to were in WV and AZ. It does a

Making excuses for white supremacy makes you a racist. You insisting that everyone needs to hear your opinion on shit you know nothing about makes you a basic ass white man.

Getting rid of the filibuster is the answer to a lot of what’s wrong. It’s not happening because of the same two jag-offs who fuck everything up and Biden isn’t using his bully pulpit to push for it either.

Good. Serves his janky ass right. He really thought he could brag about his crimes and no one would turn his ass in didn’t he?

That’s cute how they try to make it sound like it’s voluntary while they put it out there that the board wanted people to vote no.

I do take this shit personally. While ya’ll motherfuckers where all huddled at home being protected I was forced to go out there day after motherfucking day. So when you assholes who didn’t even bear the brunt of shit because you were at home are bitching about wearing a mask when some of us were doing it every

It IS still running rampant and it’s still killing people. Just because the government decided to kowtow to business and stopped reporting the numbers doesn’t mean that it’s not a problem. Over a million goddamn people are dead in this country alone from it and we don’t even know how many people are going to be put

We absolutely can continue to live like that if we actually gave a damn about people and their wellbeing. But apparently the only thing you and your ilk give a fuck about are corporate profits and the fee fees if idiot white people. Because it’s mostly their dumb asses who refuse to wear a goddamn mask and ya’ll can’t

It’s not like the numbers are going to go down with a cop as mayor.

Nobody cares what your racist ass thinks, dickhead.

There’s no surprise that judges just sign off on this mess without really asking too many questions. It’s not like they care about the answers anyway so  long as the warrant is being requested for an address in the “correct” neighborhood.

Nobody was talking to you or have you forgotten just how much I loathe your racist, unwelcome ass?

Oh go fuck yourself!

Given your racist tendencies, I don’t think anyone around here with a modicum of sense believes you.

He’s not wrong.

People can’t be this simple. Regular people fucking around with regular people get caught, arrested, convicted, and sentenced. Cops run around fucking around with people under color of authority and pay NO penalty for abusing said authority. That’s why people make a big deal about police abuse and this motherfucker

When your “interpretation” of the law deliberately puts one side at a disadvantage and you don’t call the law out for it, you no longer can claim to be about equality under the law. I can only conclude that this judge is yet another hack whose sole job is to make sure the institutional rules are put in place to return

Yes, I do. I see no point in buying multiple packs of chicken on sale and just shoving them in the freezer unseasoned. Then you have to thaw and season. Meanwhile seasoned chicken has more time to suck up that good seasoning while freezing and defrosting.

Who cares that law is bullshit, likely unconstitutional and there should be some group itching to take this shit to court.

Personally, I’m not all that concerned if the brat gets outed as a bigot. Clearly, the consequences thus far haven’t been enough to stop him from acting this way. Maybe public humiliation and possible loss of employment opportunities will cause others to think twice.