Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

Eventually, tax payers that those who are in office give a fuck about might make a stink about the tax dollars they have to pay out and finally move to the type of thing we have in the medical (and other) professions. Malpractice insurance that will become too expensive to buy if you keep fucking up. In the meantime,

This both sides fuckery doesn’t cut it. One side is actively fucking around trying to turn this country into an authoritarian state. They are openly racist, classist, sexist and are only interested in the wants of a small group of assholes who fund their campaigns.

Take their damn toys away from them too. “Surplus military gear” is not a thing that should be showing up on our streets, especially in the hands of trigger happy cops.

Right, we can become a welfare state like the states Republicans run whilst they lecture people and blue states who fund them about fiscal and personal responsibility.

$100 million. Good! That’s the way to get these dickhead’s attention. I’m tired of seeing Black people low-balled by the pricks who murdered their loved ones with these bullshit less than a million dollar or low million dollar settlements.

That sounds about right. This country does not respect work or the people who do it because despite slavery outside of incarceration being illegal they still are looking for ways to not pay people for their labor. They think they are entitled to people’s labor without paying for it and they don’t give a damn if the

Bud light is vile and Carrie who?

I don’t understand why there’s a need to extend the football season. That’s like saying, here’s a pile of garbage, let’s add more to it.

Well, given how America came to be that’s actually to be expected.

She probably got it from that horse-faced bitch who keeps stalking her. That moldy mashed-potato-faced heau never wears a damn mask.

It’s hard to argue that safety is equally important when this country from sea to polluted sea hasn’t really put safety at the forefront of their COVID response. They are and continue to be more concerned with the health of the fucking economy to give a single solitary fuck about those who do the work to sustain it.

Not a fucking thing other than cops be coppin’.

As per usual, the police find it oh so difficult to not use passive tense when it comes to shit they did. He just jumped on your truck right?

Another day where white parents go on about how x, y, or z book made their child uncomforatable or how little Sally is “too young” to have to deal with such a topic.

Not unless they had nothing but draw twos, skips, and reverses in hand. But if you play your cards right your opponent may not get to play more than a card or two before you stomp them.

Not even a full week and I’m already tired of this motherfucker.

You’re just a straight up liar. Where the fuck are these celebrations of which you speak? Oh right in YOUR fucked up fantasies.

Sounds like a fair amount of parents are mad that their babysitters called out on them.

Apparently they think that POS Abbot isn’t shitty enough so they want the rabid coon Allen West, so yeah, I’m voting for really fucking stupid too.

He sounded a lot more radical (relatively speaking) before he got into politics.