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    Can we count all the Castor clones, besides Mark, as dead? Do you think there are more out there that we don't know about?

    From what the showrunners are saying right now, it seems we're going to get a real story arc for Felix next season. Very excited to see him fleshed out beyond mere clone support and being a sounding board for other characters.

    Sorry, I thought the promo clips they air afterward are fair game. Since it was relevant to the point I was making it, I thought to include it. But I will edit my post and remove that part.

    I'm also glad they've closed this chapter of Alison's story. As the recapper said, her whole arc has been so tonally off compared to the rest of the show. Yes, it provides moments of levity, but I feel like it's instead turned to "how else can we poke fun of the silly, shallow suburban mom?" Without more serious

    Seems like it's a fake out to me. I highly doubt they'll kill off Cosima…at least for this season.